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Array Index Symptom 9

Aubergine edited this page Jan 4, 2022 · 10 revisions

Verified: January 2022

This is one cause of the Simulation error Array index is out of range error.


You will see this error, or similar, on screen and in the log file:

  • Simulation error: Array index is out of range.

In the log file search to see if you find this error (it could be anywhere in the log):

Note: This error will only appear if you have TM:PE subscribed and it detected a ghost node. Even if you don't see the error, try the solution below regardless ;)

  • Node is not connected to segment

The full error might look like this (# just denotes a number which isn't important):

  • Warning #: ExtSegmentEndManager.GetIndex(#, #): Node is not connected to segment.


This is due to Ghost nodes that aren't connected to any road/rail/path segments.

Usually these should not exist, however sometimes they occur due to reasons such as:

  • Corrupted save game
  • Missing network asset
  • Mods that replace network assets
  • Mods that alter road placement
  • Mods that provide non-standard bulldozer tools

As long as the ghost node exists, you will likely get array index errors as the game and other mods break due to the faulty node.


  1. Subscribe and enable Broken Nodes Detector mod.
  2. Load your save
  3. Open Broken Nodes Detector window with Ctrl+0 (zero)
  4. Run the various tests to detect and resolve issues.

That should clear away any ghost nodes.


If not, see other causes of Simulation error Array index is out of range.

Other issues? See: Troubleshooting

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