Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm Cláudia and I hold a Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering and I am currently completing my Master's degree in Sotware Engineering at the University of Minho. My specialization is in Grammar Engineering and Formal Methods, and my thesis focuses on Artificial Intelligence.
Feel free to explore my repositories to see my projects and contributions. If you have any questions or would like to connect, don't hesitate to reach out!
Bachelor's Degree: Software Engineering, University of Minho.
Here are some of the key projects I worked on during my Bachelor's degree:
- Prolog- Artificial Intelligence
- Natural Language Processing
- Program Calculation
- Object-Oriented Programming
Master's Degree (in progress): Software Engineering, University of Minho
Here are some of the projects from my Master's studies:
- Web Knowledge Representation and Processing
- Scripting and Natural Language Processing
- Cloud Computing Applications and Services
- Machine Learning
- SocialHub
Here’s a summary of some the languages and technologies and tools I've worked with:
- JavaScript
- Java
- Python
- C
- Prolog
- Haskell
Technologies and Tools:
- Panda, Tensorflow and SciPy
- TLA+
- Lark
- Web Development (HMTL and CSS)
- Coq
- SQLite, MySQL
Thank you for visiting my profile!