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PubNub makes Real-time Real Easy with a Simple Communications API. Two Functions: Send/Receive (Publish/Subscribe). We provide a web-service API for businesses to build scalable Data Push communication apps on Mobile, Tablet and Web. Bidirectional JSON. @pubnub


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PubNub - Real-time Communications

  • Publish and Subscribe Always-on Socket Cloud
  • One-to-Many / One-to-One / Platform Ubiquitous Cloud
  • Globally Distributed Cloud Network - Many Datacenters World-Wide - Fastest Connections
  • Optimized for Mobile and Web - iPhone, Android, Chrome, Firefox, IE and more.
  • Locksetp Synchronization with Everyone on Earth - Synchronize Mass Audiences.

PubNub is a client-to-client push service in the cloud. Connect Everything to Everything; literally! This is a cloud-based service for broadcasting Real-time messages to millions of web and mobile clients simultaneously.

PubNub Version 3.1

The current version number for communication with PubNub Cloud is 3.1.

Process for Announcing New/Updated API.

When a PubNub Client API is updated or a brand new PubNub Client API becomes available, tell everyone!:

Quick Links

PubNub is Optimized for MOBILE and WEB

  • Earth Scale Deployment - Your App scales with ease.
  • Many Datacenters World Wide - High Performance everywhere on Earth.
  • Optimized for Slow and Fast Connections - Fast for mobile 3G, WiFi, 4G and Edge.
  • Reliable Message Delivery on Unreliable connections.
  • Compression and Bundling - Faster than WebSockets - up to 100msg per second faster.
  • PHP, Ruby, JavaScript and more - All Streamlined Platforms Supported.
  • The API FAST! - iPhone, Android and Blackberry phones zip!
  • It's a Breeze for Mobile Phones - Quick and Easy Development.
  • Mass Broadcasting Replication - Send a message to Millions of People in Milliseconds.
  • Platform Ubiquitous Cloud - Every Platform Now has a way to communicate Instantly.
  • Cross Device Communication - Androids and iPhones and Browsers -- all connected.

PubNub API Specification

Use this section of the README to review the current specification for PubNub Cloud Client Libraries. The pseudocode will guide you in learning how each client library must act in order to properly support the breadth of features powered by PubNub Cloud. Most client libraries are already written! So go check out the list of libraries already available.

Rules of PubNub Client Lib

  • Must be able to communicate with EVERY other PubNub Client Lib.
  • Must be Non-blocking (Asynchronous) on all I/O.
  • Must use single Dictionary/Object as Parameter for all methods.
  • Must follow guides in this README file including method param patterns.
  • Includes a Full Unit Test with a test of each method.
  • Includes Quick Usage Doc with Example Copy/Paste Code for each Method.
  • The Lib must be only ONE file. (i.e.,, Pubnub.cs)
  • Okay to include Vendor Files.

Robustness of API

The client must be fault tolerant and never throw exceptions or errors. If a message was unable to be delivered, you must return an unsuccessful value. If an error code was returned of any kind from the PubNub Cloud, then you must inform the failure by returning an unsuccessful response. If a connection was lost, the connection must continuously attempt to be re-established.


All Client APIs must be able to communicate with every other Client API in every supported mode including but not limited to:

  • AES Encryption
  • Signed HMAC SHA256 messages
  • TCP Sockets
  • HTTP

For example, This means that PHP and Ruby will always be able communicate via Publish/Subscribe. Same goes for Python and JavaScript and every other language.

Coding Convetions


There are support libs that are needed in order to provide full implementation of a PubNub Client API. Here is a list of all needed external imports common to most platforms and programming languages.

  • Crypto AES - Client Side Encryption/Decryption
  • TLS/SSL 2048bit Support or Better
  • HMAC and SHA256 Hash-Lib
  • Async HTTP/HTTPS or Async TCP Sockets (Non-Blocking)
  • JSON Encode/Decode or Stringify/Parse
  • ZLib for GZIP
  • UUID for Unique ID Generation
  • URL Encode
  • Events Fire/Bind/Unbind

Public Methods

  • init()
  • time()
  • uuid()
  • publish()
  • subscribe()
  • unsubscribe()
  • history()


Create a new PubNub Entity for Publishing/Subscribing. This entity associates itself with account-level credentials and a selected origin. Also Security Options are Specified.

var pubnub = PubNub.init({
    publish_key   : "CUSTOMER_PUBLISH_KEY",
    subscribe_key : "CUSTOMER_SUBSCRIBE_KEY",
    secret_key    : "CUSTOMER_SECRET_KEY",
    ssl           : true,
    cipher_key    : "AES-Crypto-Cipher-Key",
    origin        : ""


This function is a utility only and has not functional value other than a PING to the PubNub Cloud.



Utility function for generating a UUID.



Broadcast a message on a specific channel. The message may be any valid JSON value including:

  1. Dictionary (Objects). {"msg":"hi"}
  2. Arrays. [1,2,3,4]
  3. Strings. "Hello!"
  4. Numbers. 123456
    channel  : "hello_world",
    message  : "Hi.",
    callback : function(response) { log(response) }


Listen for messages on a specified channel. Register events for receiving messages, connecting, disconnecting and reconnecting after an unintended disconnect.

Never Fire the disconnect event if the network is avaiable. Only fire the disconnect event if the internet is unreachable. Note that periodically PubNub will purge connections. However it is the duty of the Client API to re-establish the connection instnatly when this happens. It is wrong to fire the disconnect event if PubNub is reacable.

    channel    : "my-channel",
    callback   : function(message) { log(message) },
    connect    : function() { log("Connected") },
    disconnect : function() { log("Disconnected") },
    reconnect  : function() { log("Reconnected") }


Stop Listen for messages on a specified channel.

    channel : "my-channel"


Retrieve past messages sent through the system.

    channel  : "my-channel",
    limit    : 100,
    callback : (messages) { log(messages) }

Cryptography Guide

PubNub Cryptography in JavaScript

PubNub Crypto demonstrates with PubNub Cryptography for sensitive data. Use this page and source code to provide high levels of security for data intended to be private and unreadable.

The Cipher Key specifies the particular transformation of plaintext into ciphertext, or vice versa during decryption. The Cipher Key exchange must occur on an external system outside of PubNub in order to maintain secrecy of the key.

Make use of the design patterns shown here when implementing a PubNub Client Library. However you must follow directly the Interface shown in this Doc when utilizing AES Encryption. Search for cipher_key to find interface guide.

Connection Pooling Guide for APIs

As a rule of performance: an always-on socket connection pre-established will provide faster message delivery and receipt. Establishing a socket pool is simple when using socket loop libraries such as Ruby::EventMachine or C LibEvent.

As an alternative, you may use an Async::HTTP Lib which provides socket pooling functionality for you.

The following Pseudocode will provide insight into the requirement for socket connection pooling:

def create_socket_pool():
    current_socket = -1
    max_sockets    = 10

    for connection_number in range(max_sockets):

    def next_socket():
        current_socket += 1
        if current_socket >= max_sockets: current_socket = -1
        return socket_pool[current_socket]

    return next_socket

next_socket = create_socket_pool()

next_socket() ## Get Next Socket.

Each channel connection will get its own dedicated socket to which an always-on

Documentation Rules

  • Must fit into a single page file.
  • Must be inside within the API directory.
  • May not be more than one file.

API Directory Structure Rules

  • Must be simple to start with copy/paste easy.
  • Include all required vendor libs in sub-directories.

HTTPS TLS SSL 2048bit Encryption

HTTPS is recommended for the highest level of security for REST requests to PubNub. Using REST over HTTPS is not required. However for secure communication, you should make sure the client or REST toolkit you're using is configured to use SSL. The PubNub Cloud service will continue to support both HTTP and HTTPS.

Message Signing Guide with HMAC/SHA256

In order to provide Origin Authenticity and High Level of Security, Secret Key When accessing Amazon SimpleDB using one of the AWS SDKs, the SDK handles the authentication process for you. For a list of available AWS SDKs supporting Amazon SimpleDB, see Available Libraries.

However, when accessing Amazon SimpleDB using a REST request, you must provide the following items so the request can be authenticated.

REST Interface


Include these required headers with each reqeust to the PubNub HTTP REST interface.

V: Version-Number
Accept: */*

IMPORTANT: Exclude all other headers where possible.

Example Headers:
V: 3.1
User-Agent: PHP
Accept: */*
FULL HTTP Request Example:
GET /time/0 HTTP/1.1
V: 3.1
User-Agent: Java-Android
Accept: */*

There are may possible User-Agent's. The following is an accepted style format for the value of User-Agent header:

  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • Node.JS
  • Ruby
  • Ruby-Rhomobile
  • Python
  • Python-Twisted
  • Python-Tornado
  • C-LibEV
  • C-LibEvent
  • C-Qt
  • VB
  • C#
  • Java
  • Java-Android
  • Erlang
  • Titanium
  • Corona
  • C-Arduino
  • C-Unity
  • C#-Mono
  • Lua
  • Obj-C-iOS
  • C#-WP7
  • Cocoa
  • Perl5
  • Perl6
  • Go-Google
  • Bash
  • Haskell


URL Params:
Request Example:
GET /time/0 HTTP/1.1


This is a special HTTP Request that holds the connection and response until a message is published or the connection timer fires a timetoken update.

The Subscribe Process Lifecycle
  1. Send First Request.
  2. Receive a snazzy new TimeToken.
  3. Send Second Request with Last Received new snazzy TimeToken.
  4. Receive a response after X Minutes with array of Messages (may be empty) and new TimeToken.
  5. Repeat #2-#5 forever until UNSUBSCRIBE()
URL Params:
First Request:
GET /subscribe/demo/my-channel/0/0 HTTP/1.1
First Response:
Second Request:
GET /subscribe/demo/my-channel/0/7529152783414 HTTP/1.1
Response When Message Transmitted:
Response when Timer Update Fires with New TimeToken


URL Params:
Request Example:
GET /publish/demo/demo/e0991b12871de57b333fd0c992f7d3112577cf62/my-channel/0/{"msg":"hi"} HTTP/1.1
Response Codes:

The Publish Response always returns success transmission details. The First element of the response Array is a bool value either 0 or 1. 0 means failure and 1 means successful transmission. If the response code is 0, then the transmission has failed. In the condition of a failed transmission, an explanation is provided in the second element of the response array.

Successful Transmission:
Failed Transmission:
[0,"Reason for Failure Shown Here"]
Possible Failure Reasons:
  • "Disconnected" - The network has gone away.
  • "Message Too Big" - Max message size exceeded.
  • "Invalid Publish Key" - Wrong Publish Key was Used.
  • "Invalid Message Signature" - The message was SHA256 Signed incorrectly.


History API will allow you to fetch previously published messages. Currently you can only fetch the last 100 messages. However soon-to-come features will include forever-history fetching.

URL Format:
Request Example:
GET /history/demo/my-channel/0/100 HTTP/1.1

Asynchronous Mandate

All functions are required to be non-blocking. All I/O must be Asynchronous. Threads are okay however SOCKET LOOPS are much preferred. Examples of Good Socket Loop libs are:

  • Twisted (Python)
  • Tornado (Python)
  • Node.JS (JavaScript)
  • Event::Machine (Ruby)
  • LibEvent (C)
  • LibEV (C)
  • Any::Event (Perl)
  • POE::Async (Perl)

Any executed function must not stop the execution stack. If a return value is needed from a function call, then a callback function is required to be a parameter of the function -- and the return value is supplied to the callback.

Pseudocode Logic Requirements

Publish and Subscribe require significant amounts of checks in order to provide for easy use to the developer using the API. Show as follows are the Publish and Subscribe functions which have basic Pseudocode Logic Requirements:


def publish( self, args ) :
    ## Fail if bad input.
    if not (args['channel'] and args['message']) :
        print('Missing Channel or Message')
        return False

    ## Capture User Input
    channel = args['channel']

    if self.cipher_key:
        message = json.dumps(EncodeAES( self.cipher_key, args['message'] ))
    else :
        message = json.dumps(args['message'])

    ## Capture Callback
    if args.has_key('callback') :
        callback = args['callback']
    else :
        callback = lambda x : x

    ## Sign Message
    if self.secret_key :
        signature = self.secret_key, '/'.join([
        ]), hashlib.sha256 ).hexdigest()
    else :
        signature = '0'

    ## Send Message
    ], callback )


def subscribe( self, args ) :
    ## Fail if missing channel
    if not 'channel' in args :
        print('Missing Channel.')
        return False

    ## Fail if missing callback
    if not 'callback' in args :
        print('Missing Callback.')
        return False

    ## Capture User Input
    channel      = URL_ENCODE(args['channel'])
    callback     = args['callback']
    connectcb    = args['connect'] or lambda x:x
    disconnectcb = args['disconnect'] or lambda x:x
    reconnectcb  = args['reconnect'] or lambda x:x

    if 'errorback' in args:
        errorback = args['errorback']
        errorback = lambda x: x

    ## New Channel?
    if not (channel in self.subscriptions) :
        self.subscriptions[channel] = {
            'first'        : False,
            'connected'    : 0,
            'disconnected' : 0,
            'timetoken'    : '0'

    ## Ensure Single Connection
    if self.subscriptions[channel]['connected'] :
        print("Already Connected")
        return False

    self.subscriptions[channel]['connected'] = 1

    ## Subscription TimeStack 
    def receive():
        if not self.subscriptions[channel]['connected']:

        def sub_callback(response):
            ## STOP CONNECTION?
            if not self.subscriptions[channel]['connected']:

            if not self.subscriptions[channel]['first'] :
                self.subscriptions[channel]['first'] = True

            ## PROBLEM?
            if not response:
                ## Disconnect
                if not self.subscriptions[channel]['disconnected']:
                    self.subscriptions[channel]['disconnected'] = 1

                def time_callback(_time):
                    if not _time:
                        reactor.callLater(time.time()+1, receive)
                        return errorback("Lost Network Connection")
                        reactor.callLater(time.time()+1, receive)

                ## ENSURE CONNECTED (Call Time Function)
                return self.time({ 'callback' : time_callback })
                ## Reconnect
                if self.subscriptions[channel]['disconnected']:
                    self.subscriptions[channel]['disconnected'] = 0

            self.subscriptions[channel]['timetoken'] = response[1]
            reactor.callLater(time.time()+0.0001, receive)

            for message in response[0]:
                if self.cipher_key:
                    callback(json.loads(DecodeAES( self.cipher_key, message )))

        try :
            self.subscriptions[channel]['request'] = self._request( [
            ], sub_callback )
        except :
            reactor.callLater(time.time()+1, receive)



def unsubscribe( self, args ):
    channel = args['channel']

    if not (channel in self.subscriptions):
        return False


    self.subscriptions[channel]['disconnected'] = 0
    self.subscriptions[channel]['connected']    = 0
    self.subscriptions[channel]['timetoken']    = 0
    self.subscriptions[channel]['first']        = False


PubNub makes Real-time Real Easy with a Simple Communications API. Two Functions: Send/Receive (Publish/Subscribe). We provide a web-service API for businesses to build scalable Data Push communication apps on Mobile, Tablet and Web. Bidirectional JSON. @pubnub







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