This Application was designed to allow up to 4 people to play scrabble over a conference call.
How to Use
- Each play needs to download a copy of the application.
- Select the number of players.
- Select which play you are going to be (you can change the name of the players).
- Player 1 can then press the Generate button (only Player 1 has this button enabled), this will create a list of 10 random number that Player 1 can pass to the other Players.
- The other Player can then put the number in to their application (where the zeros are).
- When everyone is ready, ALL Player can press the Shunt button (This will lock the Generate button for Player 1).
- All players need to decide what the Shuffle Number need to be (by default they are 2, 3). If the decision is made to change these, ALL Players need to do this. (The letter bag should now be sorted on all machine the same way.)
- Each play can take it in turn to select from the dropdown the number of letters they want and press the Take button, this will remove the letters from the Letter Bag and put them on the Player area, Only the Current Player will see their tiles.
- When a Player take a go, they will need to inform the other player to what tiles their have used and where they have gone on the board.
- Once all players have taken a turn you can Re-shuffle if you wish or just take another turn until the bag become empty.
- Once you have completed the game, there is a Print log button so you can see what tile were pick in what order.
- There is a reset button so you can have another.
Background I build this application after watch a YouTube video by Matt Parker ( in which one of his fellow YouTuber need a way to play scrabble over a conference call but not use a game app. The idea was to mix the tile at both ends of the call in the same way and take them for each play and be able to place the tiles on their own boards. After watching the video, I thought this would be a ‘nice little’ project to try and code. The code was fairly easy, so I decided to add a screen to make life easy for the players, this proved more of a challenge.