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tools: add a Python script to compose tilesheets
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Add a script that generates tilesheet pngs and a tile_config.json
from the pngs_ directories in a specified tileset directory.

1. walk through the directories, reading the tile_entry.json files
and creating lists of the png files.
2. by rows of 16 images, merge all the images with the same
dimensions into a tilesheet while creating dictionaries of image
names to tilesheet indices.
3. go through the tile_entries and change the bg and fg image
names to the tilesheet indices.
4. write the resulting tile_config.json

TODO: write the config file as tile_config.json instead of
  • Loading branch information
mlangsdorf committed Oct 3, 2019
1 parent 37b1e3a commit 2bfe817
Showing 1 changed file with 276 additions and 0 deletions.
276 changes: 276 additions & 0 deletions tools/gfx_tools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@

# Split a gfx directory made of 1000s of little images and files into a set of tilesheets
# and a tile_config.json

import argparse
import copy
import json
import os
import string
import subprocess

import pyvips
Vips = pyvips
except ImportError:
import gi
gi.require_version('Vips', '8.0')
from gi.repository import Vips

"file": "fallback.png",
"tiles": [],
"ascii": [
{ "offset": 0, "bold": False, "color": "BLACK" },
{ "offset": 256, "bold": True, "color": "WHITE" },
{ "offset": 512, "bold": False, "color": "WHITE" },
{ "offset": 768, "bold": True, "color": "BLACK" },
{ "offset": 1024, "bold": False, "color": "RED" },
{ "offset": 1280, "bold": False, "color": "GREEN" },
{ "offset": 1536, "bold": False, "color": "BLUE" },
{ "offset": 1792, "bold": False, "color": "CYAN" },
{ "offset": 2048, "bold": False, "color": "MAGENTA" },
{ "offset": 2304, "bold": False, "color": "YELLOW" },
{ "offset": 2560, "bold": True, "color": "RED" },
{ "offset": 2816, "bold": True, "color": "GREEN" },
{ "offset": 3072, "bold": True, "color": "BLUE" },
{ "offset": 3328, "bold": True, "color": "CYAN" },
{ "offset": 3584, "bold": True, "color": "MAGENTA" },
{ "offset": 3840, "bold": True, "color": "YELLOW" }

# stupid stinking Python 2 versus Python 3 syntax
def write_to_json(pathname, data):
with open(pathname, "w") as fp:
json.dump(data, fp)
except ValueError:
cmd = ["./tools/format/json_formatter.cgi", pathname]

def find_or_make_dir(pathname):
except OSError:

class PngRefs(object):
def __init__(self, tileset_dirname):
# dict of pngnames to png numbers; used to control uniqueness
self.pngname_to_pngnum = { "null_image": 0 }
# dict of png absolute numbers to png names
self.pngnum_to_pngname = { 0: "null_image" }
self.pngnum = 0
self.tileset_pathname = tileset_dirname
if not tileset_dirname.startswith("gfx/"):
self.tileset_pathname = "gfx/" + tileset_dirname

except KeyError:
print("cannot find a directory {}".format(self.tileset_pathname))
exit -1

tileset_info_path = self.tileset_pathname + "/tile_info.json"
self.tileset_width = 16
self.tileset_height = 16
self.tileset_info = [{}]
with open(tileset_info_path, "r") as fp:
self.tileset_info = json.load(fp)
self.tileset_width = self.tileset_info[0].get("width")
self.tileset_height = self.tileset_info[0].get("height")

def convert_pngname_to_pngnum(self, index):
new_index = []
if isinstance(index, list):
for pngname in index:
if isinstance(pngname, dict):
sprite_ids = pngname.get("sprite")
valid = False
if isinstance(sprite_ids, list):
new_sprites = []
for sprite_id in sprite_ids:
if sprite_id != "no_entry":
new_sprites.append(self.pngname_to_pngnum.get(sprite_id, 0))
valid = True
pngname["sprite"] = new_sprites
elif sprite_ids and sprite_ids != "no_entry":
pngname["sprite"] = self.pngname_to_pngnum.get(sprite_ids, 0)
valid = True
if valid:
elif pngname != "no_entry":
new_index.append(self.pngname_to_pngnum.get(pngname, 0))
elif index and index != "no_entry":
new_index.append(self.pngname_to_pngnum.get(index, 0))
if new_index and len(new_index) == 1:
return new_index[0]
return new_index

def convert_tile_entry(self, tile_entry):
fg_id = tile_entry.get("fg")
if fg_id:
tile_entry["fg"] = self.convert_pngname_to_pngnum(fg_id)

bg_id = tile_entry.get("bg")
if bg_id:
tile_entry["bg"] = self.convert_pngname_to_pngnum(bg_id)

add_tile_entrys = tile_entry.get("additional_tiles", [])
for add_tile_entry in add_tile_entrys:

return tile_entry

class TilesheetData(object):
def __init__(self, subdir_index, refs):
ts_all = refs.tileset_info[subdir_index]
self.ts_specs = {}
for ts_name, ts_spec in ts_all.items():
self.ts_specs = ts_spec
self.ts_name = ts_name
self.ts_path = refs.tileset_pathname + "/" + self.ts_name
print("parsing tilesheet {}".format(self.ts_name))
self.tile_entries = []
self.row_num = 0
self.width = self.ts_specs.get("sprite_width", refs.tileset_width)
self.height = self.ts_specs.get("sprite_height", refs.tileset_height)
self.offset_x = 0
self.offset_y = 0
subdir_name = self.ts_name.split(".png")[0] + "_{}x{}".format(self.width, self.height)
self.subdir_path = refs.tileset_pathname + "/pngs_" + subdir_name
if not self.standard(refs):
self.offset_x = self.ts_specs.get("sprite_offset_x", 0)
self.offset_y = self.ts_specs.get("sprite_offset_y", 0)
self.null_image = Vips.Image.grey(self.width, self.height)
self.row_pngs = ["null_image"]
self.fallback = False;
if self.ts_specs.get("fallback"):
self.fallback = True
refs.pngnum += 1
self.first_index = refs.pngnum
self.max_index = refs.pngnum

def standard(self, refs):
if self.offset_x or self.offset_y:
return False
return self.width == refs.tileset_width and self.height == refs.tileset_height

def merge_row(self, refs):
spacer = 16 - len(self.row_pngs)
refs.pngnum += spacer

in_list = []

for png_pathname in self.row_pngs:
if png_pathname == "null_image":
vips_image = Vips.Image.pngload(png_pathname)
for i in range(0, spacer):

return in_list

def walk_dirs(self, refs):
tmp_merged_pngs = []
for subdir_fpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.subdir_path):
#print("{} has dirs {} and files {}".format(subdir_fpath, dirnames, filenames))
for filename in filenames:
filepath = subdir_fpath + "/" + filename
if filename.endswith(".png"):
pngname = filename.split(".png")[0]
if pngname in refs.pngname_to_pngnum or pngname == "no_entry":
print("skipping {}".format(pngname))
refs.pngname_to_pngnum[pngname] = refs.pngnum
refs.pngnum_to_pngname[refs.pngnum] = pngname
refs.pngnum += 1
if len(self.row_pngs) > 15:
merged = self.merge_row(refs)
self.row_num += 1
self.row_pngs = []
tmp_merged_pngs += merged
elif filename.endswith(".json"):
with open(filepath, "r") as fp:
tile_entry = json.load(fp)
if self.row_pngs:
merged = self.merge_row(refs)
tmp_merged_pngs += merged
return tmp_merged_pngs

def finalize_merges(self, merge_pngs):
out_image = Vips.Image.arrayjoin(merge_pngs, across=16)

args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Merge all the individal tile_entries and pngs in a tileset's directory into a tile_config.json and 1 or more tilesheet pngs.")
args.add_argument("tileset_dir", action="store",
help="local name of the tileset directory under gfx/")
argsDict = vars(args.parse_args())

tileset_dirname = argsDict.get("tileset_dir", "")

refs = PngRefs(tileset_dirname)

all_ts_data = []
fallback_name = "fallback.png"

for subdir_index in range(1, len(refs.tileset_info)):
ts_data = TilesheetData(subdir_index, refs)
if not ts_data.fallback:
tmp_merged_pngs = ts_data.walk_dirs(refs)


ts_data.max_index = refs.pngnum

#print("pngname to pngnum {}".format(json.dumps(refs.pngname_to_pngnum, indent=2)))
#print("pngnum to pngname {}".format(json.dumps(refs.pngnum_to_pngname, sort_keys=True, indent=2)))

tiles_new = []

for ts_data in all_ts_data:
if ts_data.fallback:
fallback_name = ts_data.ts_name
ts_tile_entries = []
for tile_entry in ts_data.tile_entries:
converted_tile_entry = refs.convert_tile_entry(tile_entry)
ts_conf = {
"file": ts_data.ts_name,
"tiles": ts_tile_entries,
"//": "range {} to {}".format(ts_data.first_index, ts_data.max_index)
if not ts_data.standard(refs):
ts_conf["sprite_width"] = ts_data.width
ts_conf["sprite_height"] = ts_data.height
ts_conf["sprite_offset_x"] = ts_data.offset_x
ts_conf["sprite_offset_y"] = ts_data.offset_y

#print("\tfinalizing tilesheet {}".format(ts_name))

FALLBACK["file"] = fallback_name
conf_data = {
"tile_info": [{
"width": refs.tileset_width,
"height": refs.tileset_height
"tiles-new": tiles_new
tileset_confpath = refs.tileset_pathname + "/" + "tile_config.json"
write_to_json(tileset_confpath, conf_data)

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