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Add to make tables of JSON data
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This script prints a Markdown or CSV table of all JSON data, or just
those matching a specific type. Columns are given on the command-line.
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wapcaplet committed Jun 22, 2020
1 parent 2bb549b commit f557fc0
Showing 1 changed file with 182 additions and 0 deletions.
182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions tools/json_tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2
"""Print a Markdown or CSV table of JSON values from the given keys.
Run this script with -h for full usage information.
Examples with basic field names:
%(prog)s --type=TOOL id volume weight longest_side
%(prog)s --type=ARMOR --format=csv id encumbrance coverage
%(prog)s --type=COMESTIBLE id fun calories quench healthy
Examples with nested attributes:
%(prog)s --type=ARMOR name.str pocket_data.moves
%(prog)s --type=MAGAZINE name.str pocket_data.ammo_restriction

import argparse
import codecs
import sys
import util

# Avoid (most) unicode frustrations
UTF8Writer = codecs.getwriter('utf8')
sys.stdout = UTF8Writer(sys.stdout)

# Command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
"columns", metavar="column_key", nargs="+",
help="list of JSON object keys to be columns in the table")
help="override with glob expression to select a smaller fileset.")
"-f", "--format",
help="output format: 'md' for markdown, 'csv' for comma-separated")
"-t", "--type",
help="only include JSON data matching this type")

def safe_value(value, format):
"""Return values with special characters escaped for the given format.
CSV values are "quoted" if they contain a comma or quote:
>>> safe_value('bacon, eggs, spam', 'csv')
'"bacon, eggs, spam"'
>>> safe_value('Tim "The Enchanter" Jones', 'csv')
'"Tim ""The Enchanter"" Jones"'
Markdown values have "|" escaped to prevent breaking table layout:
>>> safe_value('x|y|z', 'md')
if format == 'md':
return value.replace('|', '\|')

elif format == 'csv':
if ',' in value or '"' in value:
return '"%s"' % value.replace('"', '""')
return value

raise ValueError("Unknown format '%s'" % format)

def print_row(values, format, is_header=False):
"""Print a row of string values in markdown or csv format.
>>> print_row(['name', 'quest', 'favorite color'], 'md')
| name | quest | favorite color
>>> print_row(['Lancelot', 'Holy Grail', 'blue'], 'csv')
Lancelot,Holy Grail,blue
safe_values = [safe_value(v, format) for v in values]

# Markdown: | col1 | col2 | col3
if format == 'md':
print("| " + " | ".join(safe_values))
# Markdown table needs a separator after the header
if is_header:
print("| --- " * len(safe_values))

# CSV: col1,col2,col3
elif format == 'csv':

raise ValueError("Unknown format: '%s'" % format)

def item_values(item, fields):
"""Return item values from within the given fields, converted to strings.
Fields may be plain string or numeric values:
>>> item_values({'name': 'sword', 'length_cm': 90},
... ['name', 'length_cm'])
['sword', '90']
Fields may also be nested objects; subkeys may be referenced like key.subkey:
>>> item_values({'loc': {'x': 5, 'y': 10}}, ['loc.x', 'loc.y'])
['5', '10']
Fields with a nested object list have their values combined with "/":
>>> item_values({'locs': [{'x': 4, 'y': 8}, {'x': 5, 'y': 10}] },
... ['locs.x', 'locs.y'])
['4 / 5', '8 / 10']
Fields may include both plain and dotted keys:
>>> item_values({'id': 'd6', 'name': {'str': 'die', 'str_pl': 'dice'}},
... ['id', 'name.str', 'name.str_pl'])
['d6', 'die', 'dice']
values = []
for field in fields:
if "." in field:
subkeys = field.split(".")
subkeys = [field]
# Descend into dotted keys
it = item
for subkey in subkeys:
# Is it a dict with this subkey?
if isinstance(it, dict) and subkey in it:
it = it[subkey]
# Is it a list of dicts having this subkey?
elif isinstance(it, list) and all(subkey in o for o in it):
# Pull from all subkeys, or just the one
if len(it) == 1:
it = it[0][subkey]
it = [i[subkey] for i in it]
# Stop if any subkey is not found
it = "None"

# Make dict presentable
if isinstance(it, dict):
values.append("%s" % it.items())
# Separate lists with slashes
elif isinstance(it, list):
values.append(" / ".join("%s" % i for i in it))
# Otherwise just force string
values.append("%s" % it)

return values

if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parser.parse_args()

# Get data (don't care about load errors)
json_data, _ = util.import_data(json_fmatch=args.fnmatch)

# Header row
print_row(args.columns, args.format, is_header=True)

# One row per item, matching type if given
for item in json_data:
if args.type and item.get('type') != args.type:

print_row(item_values(item, args.columns), args.format)

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