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Weapons Balance

BorkBorkGoesTheCode edited this page Jul 15, 2017 · 20 revisions

Melee Weapons

Warning: This section is outdated and should only be treated as a rough guideline. Damage per turn section takes precedence in case of all ambiguities.

To-Hit Bonuses

To-hit bonuses start at '-2' and are modified as follows for weapons that have the following properties:


Grip is a measure of how well you can control the weapon to quickly respond to situational changes.

-1 - Particularly hard to grip items, (especially those that are innately slipper or very rounded with no obvious gripping edge) such as basketballs and barrels, or which are dangerous to hold because of very sharp edges, like scrap metal and broken glass.

+0 - Any object that doesn't fall into one of the categories below. Examples include 2x4s, computer monitors, wires, stingers and clothing. Basically, anything that has a grippable component, but which is too thick, too thin, or too flimsy to grab comfortably in a way that can reliably control the object.

+1 - A weapon with a fairly solid grip, like a pipe, a rock, guitar neck, pool cue or a heavy stick.

+2 - A weapon with a dedicated grip shaped to the hand, like a sword, axe, knife, or police baton, or that is strapped to the body (or is a piece of the body). Fists would get a +2 bonus here, bringing them to "0" total, since none of the others would apply.


Length allows more surface area for potential contact, and reduces the need to control the positioning of the body to guarantee a hit. It also allows the player to strike from a safer distance, allowing them to worry more about trying to hit without being hit in return, and allows for swings with larger arcs, making dodging such a strike more difficult.

+0 - Any object without a length bonus.

+1 - Objects that, when held, extend over a foot (1/3 of a meter) in length from the hand. A normal american 12inch ruler is the handy boundary guide for when an item should switch over to a +1 bonus (the ruler, losing several inches when held, does not get one - unless you added a handle to it!).

+2 - An object that is over 3 feet in length from the point where it is held. Includes swords, spears, quarterstaffs, poles, and a lot of other stuff.

Striking Surface

Some weapons need to strike in a certain way to be effective. Others are more difficult to use "incorrectly".

-2 - Single-Point weapons - Picks, spears, syringes. Any weapon that has a single point that must contact the enemy in a specific way in order to deal a decent amount of damage. Also, weapons with difficult attack angles, like scythes, where the damaging part of the weapon is faced away from the enemy.

-1 - Line of damage weapons - Swords, knives, and other weapons that require a solid strike along a particular piece of the weapon, where the weapon can be said to have an attack angle, fall here. Weapons that have point attacks but are still effective without any solid hit, such as a nailboard, would also fall here.

+0 - attack-anywhere weapons - Clubs, pipes, maces, etc, where the weapon will be dealing full damage with a solid blow no matter how it is angled, because every surface is a striking surface.

+1 - Weapons that can still do significant damage even with glancing blows would fall here. Jagged tearing weapons and electric weapons like a stun baton would fall here.


A measure of how well-suited the item is for being swung/thrust/etc. This factors in overall balance of the weapon, weight is accounted for separately.

-2 - Very clumsy or lopsided items ill-suited for swinging or thrusting. Characterized by requiring effort just to hold steady. frying pan or pot, chainsaw, chair, vacuum cleaner.

-1 - Balance of the object is uneven, but in a way that at least doesn't interfere with swinging. axes, sledgehammer, rifle, scythe, most polearms.

+0 - Neutral balance, neither well nor poorly weighted for the typical use. Heavy stick, rock, pool stick, kitchen knives, claw hammer, metal pipe, crowbar, handguns.

+1 - Well-balanced for swinging or stabbing. Baseball bat, golf club, swords, quarterstaff, knives.


Weapon's relative strength is based on an approximate formula involving its damage, to-hit, techniques and few other factors. This strength will be expressed in "points" or dpt (damage per turn) as damage per turn is the most significant balancing factor.

Damage per turn

Melee weapon's relative strength is measured by damage per turn (more precisely: damage per 100 moves). The damage is the sum of all damage types (average of min/max where random) from the weapon alone, without including strength in the calculation.

For bashing weapons, it is assumed the character can achieve the maximum damage, but this strength isn't added to damage (or critical damage).


While not a direct measure of damage, to-hit bonus has to be included in the calculations, as it has a significant effect on actual damage output (through hit and crit rate).

Each point of to-hit is "worth" roughly a 10% increase/decrease in damage per turn or 2.5 points of damage per turn (whichever is higher).


Rapid strike technique increases damage per turn by 0.66 / 0.5 = 132%

Other techniques are generally too situational to be worth any points here.

Weapon tiers

Damage per turn should put the weapon into one of those categories:

<10 - Not weapons. Those items may be pressed into service, but are unlikely to be better than fists. Plastic bottles, rocks, boots.

11-15 - Tools not meant to strike and improvised weapons. Two-by-fours, pointy sticks, pipes, hammers.

16-25 - Dangerous tools or crude dedicated weapons. Golf clubs, two-by-swords, wooden spears, knife spears, hatchets, switchblades, tonfas, quarterstaves.

26-35 - Good dedicated weapons or the most dangerous of tools. Wood and fire axes, steel spears, electric carvers, kukris, bokken, machetes, barbed wire bats.

36-45 - Weapons of war, well designed to kill humans. Wakizashis, katanas, broadswords, zweihanders, combat knifes, battle axes, war hammers, maces, morningstars.

46+ - Sci-fi stuff. Diamond katanas, monomolecular blades, lightsabers and chainswords.

Other melee balancing factors

Attack speed

Out of two weapons with same DPT, the faster one is generally better.

Faster weapons allow more damage granularity (less overkill), make it less likely to miss a turn (and thus dodge/block recharges) and make positioning easier.

Slower weapons will pierce armor better, but currently, most enemies are very lightly armored.

Damage type

At low skill, piercing damage suffers from scaling and bashing damage from damage limit due to low strength and skill. Cutting damage is not affected.

At high skill, bashing damage is generally the strongest but still suffers from the damage limit.

Exotic damage types (currently only fire) do not scale with skills or crits.

Diamond weapons

Keep in mind that steel weapon can be diamond coated (applied via CVD machine).

DIAMOND flag on steel cutting weapon gives +30% to damage_cut().

Range Weapons


Reload times

The overall balance is that magazines themselves are slow to reload whereas changing a magazine should be fast. For standard box magazines a default reload_time of 100 (per round) is appropriate with this value increasing for poor quality or extended magazines. Guns themselves should also specify reload of 100 (per magazine) unless their magazines are particularly awkward to reload (eg. ammo belts). The game logic intrinsically handles higher volume magazines consuming more time to attach to a gun so you need not consider this.


Increases proportional to capacity and should have a comparable ratio to similar magazines. Consider the base item to be a 10-round .223 factory specification box magazine which has a capacity:weight of 1:10. Increase the ratio markedly for poor quality magazines or more slightly for extended magazines. Smaller calibers should use a lower ratio. The material should have some effect with plastic magazines weighing less. Nothing should have a lower ratio than the LeadWorks magazines.


Scaled based upon the capacity relative to the stack_size of the ammo. For example 223 has a stack size of 20 so for 10 and 30 round magazines the volume would be 1 and 2. Extended magazine should always have larger volume than the standard type and for very large drum magazines consider applying an extra penalty. By default most handgun magazines should be volume 1 and most rifle magazines volume 2. Ammo belts should not specify volume as this will be determined from their length.


Should be specified first considering the below and then scaled against any equivalent magazines. For example if an extended version of a magazine exists place it one rank below the standard capacity version. Damaged guns or magazines will further adversely affect reliability.

10 - Perfectly reliable. Factory specification or milspec only. Never extended magazines. Very rare.

9 - Reliable. Failures only in burst fire. Factory or milspec magazines only. Never extended magazines. Uncommon.

8 - Dependable. Failures infrequently in any fire mode. Highest reliability possible for extended magazines and those crafted using gunsmithing tools. Most common.

7 - Serviceable. Fail infrequently in semi-automatic, more frequently in burst. Includes many extended and aftermarket gunsmithing tools. Common.

6 - Acceptable. Failures can be problematic. Highest reliability possible for magazines crafted without gunsmithing tools. Includes most ammo belts.

5 - Usable. Failures can be problematic and more serious. Mostly poor quality hand-crafted magazines.

<4 - Poor. Significant risk of catastrophic failure. Not applied by default to any item but can be acquired by damage or other factors.


Warning: Outdated.

Overall balance is that pistol magazines are twice as common as rifle magazines and that guns that spawn with magazines have a standard capacity.

Consider 9mm and .223 to be the defaults, and everything else rarer.

Some locations have more specific balance requirements:

Location Description With guns Damaged Example
Military site Only source of milspec magazines and ammo belts Never Never LW-56, .223 ammo belt
Gun store Standard and extended capacity magazines Never Never STANAG-30, Glock extended
Police armory Mostly pistol magazines, especially 9mm, never extended Sometimes Never Glock, MP5 magazine
SWAT truck Police or military magazines, occasionally extended Sometimes Rarely MP5 extended
Survivor basement Anything except milspec weighted towards common types Often Sometimes Saiga mag, M1911 extended
Military surplus Older military magazines that are not current issue Never Rarely M9 mag, STEN magazine
Pawn shop Anything except milspec weighted towards unusual calibers Never Rarely Makarov mag, AK-74 mag
Everywhere else Predominately 9mm and 223. Always with standard magazine Often Sometimes Ruger 223 mag, M1911 mag

Ammo stats

Warning: This section is outdated and should only be treated as a rough guideline.

The damage (Dmg) of ammunition is the square root of a round's muzzle energy in joules (Energy, J) rounded to the nearest integer with an arbitrary increase or decrease to account for terminal ballistics. Damage of handloaded ammo is set to 92% (rounded down) of their factory counterparts. A similar system for calculating recoil is planned but not currently being worked on. The figures used to calculate stats and any other relevant information are presented in the table below.

Each cartridge also has a Base Barrel Length (Base Brl) listed. This determines the damage for the connected guns. A firearm has its damage modifier determined by its real life barrel length; for every three inches between it and the listed baseline here, the gun takes a 1 point bonus or penalty (rounding to the nearest modifier). For example, a .45 ACP gun with a 7-inch barrel would get a +1 bonus (against a baseline of 5 inches).

Ammo ID Description Energy, J Dmg Base Brl Applied Modifiers / Comments
.22LR 40gr unjacketed bullet 141 12 6in
.22LR FMJ 30gr FMJ bullet 277 17 6in
.22 rat-shot TODO
.22 CB 18gr CB bullet 39 6 7.8in
7.62x25mm 85gr JHP bullet 544 23 4.7in +1 hollowpoint bonus
7.62x25mm hot load 85gr FMJ bullet 760 28 4.7in
7.62x25mm Type P 120gr AP bullet 233 15 9.6in 12.12-13.03 gr ~935-1000 FPS
.32 ACP 60gr JHP bullet 161 13 4in
9x19mm FMJ 115gr FMJ bullet 420 24 5.9in
9x19mm +P 115gr JHP bullet 632 25 5.9in
9x19mm +P+ 115gr JHP bullet 678 26 5.9in
9x19mm JHP 116gr JHP bullet 533 23 5.9in damage increased by 3
9x18mm 57-N-181S 93gr FMJ bullet 251 16 3.8in
9x18mm SP-7 93gr bullet 417 20 3.8in
9x18mm RG028 93gr hardened steel core bullet 317 18 3.8in damage reduced by 4
.38 Special 130gr FMJ bullet 256 16 4in
.38 Special FMJ 130gr FMJ bullet 256 16 4in
.38 Super 90gr JHP bullet 658 26 4in
10mm auto 180gr FMJ bullet 575 24 4in
.40 S&W 135gr JHP bullet 575 24 4in
.40 FMJ 180gr FMJ bullet 598 24 4in
.44 Magnum 240gr JHP bullet 1570 40 7.5in
.45 ACP JHP 185gr JHP bullet 614 25 5in
.45 ACP FMJ 230gr FMJ bullet 447 21 5in
.45 ACP +P 200gr JHP bullet 702 26 5in
.454 Casull 300gr JSP bullet 2459 50 7.5in
.500 S&W Magnum 500gr bullet 3056 55 8.4in
4.6x30mm 31gr copper plated steel bullet 505 22 7.1in damage reduced by 4
5.7x28mm SS190 31gr AP FMJ bullet 534 23 10.4in damage reduced by 3
7.62x39mm M43 123gr steel core FMJ bullet 1607 47 16.3in damage lowered by 15
7.62x39mm M67 123gr steel core FMJ bullet 1607 47 16.3in damage lowered by 9
5.45x39mm 7N10 56gr FMJ bullet 1402 37 16.3in damage increased by 3
5.45x39mm 7N22 57gr steel core FMJ bullet 1461 38 16.3in
.223 Remington 36gr JHP bullet 1524 39 20in Uses 5.56 NATO barrel baseline; damage increased by 5
.308 Winchester 168gr hollow point bullet 3570 60 24in
7.62 NATO M80 147gr FMJ bullet 3304 57 24in
7.62 NATO M62 147gr FMJ bullet 3304 57 24in Belt with 1/5 tracer rounds
.270 Winchester 130gr soft point bullet 3663 61 24in
.30-06 Springfield 165gr soft point bullet 3894 62 24in damage increased by 4
.30-06 M2 165gr FMJ bullet 3894 62 24in damage reduced by 10
.30-06 M14A1 Incendiary ammunition 3894 62 24in damage reduced by 10
.300 Winchester Magnum 220gr JHP bullet 5299 73 24in damage increased by 5
7.62x54mmR 150gr FMJ bullet 2677 52 28in
.700 NX 1000gr JSP bullet 12100 110 28in
.50 BMG Ball 750gr FMJ-BT bullet 17083 131 45in damage reduced by 65
8x40mm caseless TODO 4.5in
8x40mm sporting TODO 4.5in
8x40mm JHP TODO 4.5in
8x40mm FMJ TODO 4.5in
8x40mm HVP TODO 4.5in
RA119 5.50mm penetrator TODO 4.5in
RA110 5.50mm flechette TODO 4.5in
00 shot shell TODO Need to add choke info
birdshot shell TODO
flechette shell TODO
slug shell TODO
explosive shot shell TODO
shotgun beanbag TODO
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