This is a scalable JavaScript Minesweeper with a kind of MVC architecture and no side libraries are used. It classic Minesweeper, so mines are located before the user would try to open a cell. The cell size is evaluated according to user screen size, screen proportions and playing area proportions.
Click left mouse button to reveal cells and right button to mark cells as mined. When debug is true, spacebar can be pressed to reveal all cells.
default input settings and a win: 10 width, 10 height, 10 mines:
10 width, 25 height, 30 mines:
25 width, 25 height, 70 mines:
30 width, 30 height, 100 mines, loss:
40 width, 10 height, 40 mines:
14 width, 10 height, 12 mines, player uses mine marks:
initial animations: