A rough changelog between NPM releases
- Arrays.Sorted
- Functions for working with sorted arrays
- Points.bbox3d: Calculate 3d bounding box
- Rects3d, Rect3dPositioned: 3d rectangles
- getComputedPixels: returns parsed pixel values for a set of CSS properties via getComputedStyle
- subtractSize: keep x & y, just change size
- clamper: function that clamps between min/max
- scalerTwoWay: function that scales back and forth between ranges
- NumericArrays.total: fixed bug
- CanvasRegion: manage a patch of drawing area
- iterableController: use an iterator with start/pause/restart semantics and a callback for values.
- differenceFromLast: compare against the previous value
- differenceFromFixed: compare against a fixed value
- fromString: parse 'x,y,z' string as a Point
- Large refactor
- Grids.Array1d, Grids.Array2d for array-backed grids and array access using {x,y} coordinates Rx
- domForm: reactive that emits value when form element(s) change
- merged: output a value from any source stream
- .opacity renamed to .multiplyOpacity
- Random.mersenneTwister for repeatable random numbers using
- Added simple audio graph creation from an oscillator or AUDIO element
- radiansSum/degreesSum: add angles with wrap-around logic
- radianArc/degreeArc: calculate span of angles with wrap-around logic
- getStartEnd: calculate x,y of arc start & end
- angularSize: calculate angular size of arc
- fromCircle: using a circle as input, make an arc
- fromCircleAmount: using a circle, start angle and span of arc, make an arc
- Made 'clockwise' explicit on arcs to avoid confusion
- averager: calculate average of points, with selectable algorithm
- angleRadianCircle: angle between point(s) based on a circle, rather than bipolar -180...180 range of angleRadian
- resolveFieldsSync: synchronous version of Data.resolveFields
- Ops.tapProcess: fixed bug
- Envelope: fixed 'shouldLoop' bug
- timingSourceFactory: returns a function which creates one of the relative timers
- rate: Tracks the rate of events, eg clicks per second
- MapOfSimpleMutable.setValues: set all values for a key
- ExpiringMap: bug fix for expiry logic
- Arrays.atWrap - access array by index, wrapping around if need be
- DragDrop: lots of improvements
- DataTable: improved formatting of numbers to avoid layout jumping
- Rects.encompass: return a rectangle as least as big as input, but also big enough to encompass provided point(s)
- Rects.dividerByLargestDimension: returns a function that divides a number or point by largest dimension of a rect
- Rects.nearestInternal: nearest point within or on perimeter of rectangle to a point
- Bezier.interpolator: Function to interpolate along bezier
- Points.to2d, Points.to3d
- Wider support for Point3d in Points module
- line: Easing based on warping of a line
- round: takes round up/down option
- Plot.CartesianCanvasPlot: plot x,y coordinates
- Drawing.rect takes 'crossed' option to draw diagonals of a rectangle
- Added manual 'mark' for ObjectTracker and PointTracker for explicit comparison points.
- Numbers.difference
- Rx.writable
- Rx.timeoutPing: ping a source if it hasn't emitted a value lately
- Rx.valueToPing: ping a target if a source emits any value
- ImageDataGrid.byRow / byColumn
- Rx.From.func: integrated manual pingable logic, obsoleting Rx.from.pinged
- Renamed Rx.Ops.batch to Rx.Ops.chunk
- Renamed Rx.Ops.timeoutTrigger to Rx.Ops.timeoutValue
Flow.interval/Flow.repeat: integrated into one: Flow.repeat
- resolveSync: Synchronous version of Data.resolve
- Added .dispose
Numbers.Normalise / Numbers.weigh
- Fixed bugs
- Renamed Points.angle to Points.angleRadian
- Unified easings, waveforms. Lots of other re-factoring
- mix: mix modulators
- Rx.From.object: onField event can subscribe with a wildcard
- Rx.Ops.interpolate: slowly converge on upstream value
- Rx.Ops.computeWithPrevious: generate value based on current and previous
Data.mapObjectByObject: Remap properties of an object using a second map as a structured set of functions.
- Sources.derived: calculate and emit a value when one of many dependency values change
- 'Sources' sub-module with alternative implementations of waves (sine,saw,tri,sqr). These use a simpler clock mechanism at the cost of not being able to track completion or resetting.
- Try to keep 'Collections' module as collection data structures, moving array/map helper functions to Data module.
- Broke out functions from Immutable module. Functions about pathed access live under 'Pathed'
- Drawing.dot options
- Made Hsl and Rgb have opacity fields
- reactiveUpdate: given start object and a Record<string,Resolvable>, it can produce an updated merged object on demand. For example for state.
- Several new ops: min, max, average, sum, tally, rank, drop
- 'tap' to do parallel processing
- Reworked annotation op and added 'annotationWithOp'
- QueueMutable: Added events for changes.
- Arrays.piecewise: Combine array elements into piecewise pairs.
- Queue.asResponsive: wrap a QueueMutable as a Responsive object.
- Colour: use Color.js instead of d3 libraries for interpolation & colour parsing
- Colour.resolveToString(): convert some kind of colour representation into a CSS string. Support CSS variables too.
- BipolarView: Option to show recent values as a trail and flip y axis
- TaskQueueMutable: queue a bunch of functions and have them be run in sequence
- SyncWait: simple synchronisation object that waits until a signal happens
- updateOutdated: Use Interval type instead of millis
- Interpolate: Custom behaviour for what to do at limits of range
- Changed movingAverage et al to return a function rather than object with add, clear, compute functions.
- Collections.MassiveSet: The inbuilt JS Set has a size limitation. MassiveSet has similar semantics but with more storage.
- cycler
- rateMinimum: maintain a minimum rate of calling a function
- Sleep: improved used of AbortSignal
- Debounce: use Interval instead of ms
- Refactor to remove 'Generators' module. Functions moved to Numbers, Text & Iterables modules.
- Data.ResolveFields: given a Record<string,v>, returns a Record<string,x>. Where v is a value,function,reactive,iterable and x is a primitive value or object. Essentially it resolve each field where there are dynamic fields to a value.
- Rather than having to use Sync or Async sub-modules, there's a 'front-end' function which calls the right one
- Improved parity of Sync/Async versions
- some: returns true for any value in map
- repeat: refactor to allow async callback values
- continuously: added support for AbortSignal
- count: produce incrementing values
- fromFunction: yield values based on calling a function repeatedy
- pinged: trigger a function and yield a value whenever an upstream reactive produces a value
- fromObject: Yield values based on change to an object
- fromProxy: Intercept changes to an object and use that to produce values (uses fromObject)
- fromEvent: produce values based on events firing
- wrap: Produce a fluent wrapper arounds Reactive functions
- isReactive: return true if input value looks like a reactive
- mergeToObject: from an input of Record<string,Reactive>, yield object values with same keys as map of input reactives
- mergeToArray: from an input set of Reactives, yield array values in same order as input reactives
- sync: Only emit values when all input reactives produce a value, yielding an array of values
- syncToObject: Only emit values when all input reactives produce a value, yield an object
- cache: Guarantee a value from a readable reactive
- CanvasHelper class instead of 'fullScreenCanvas' function
- reconnectingWebSocket: handle reconnecting a websocket
- RequestResponseMatch: house-keeping of matching a responses to requests, with timeout
- interpolatorStepped & interpolatorInterval: step from A to B over a given number of steps or a duration
- stringSegmentsStartToStart et al.: step through a 'segments' of a string. Unlike .split(), segments are generated on demand
Text.wildcard: simple *-style matching
- Avoid using window. for timeout stuff, using globalThis instead for NodeJs compat Collections
- ExpiringMap.clear(): clear all values
- getFromKeys: returns first value in a map that matches an Iterable of keys
- trackUniqueInstances: track by instance, not value
Refactoring of reactive module
- Improvements to Reactive
- cssVariables: sync DOM attributes with CSS variable values
- Forms.button improvements
- QueueMutable gains .at, .removeWhere, .remove
- Improved unit tests of reactive module
- Added 'Reactive.Dom' sub-module for updating HTML elements based on reactive instances
- Added 'Reactive.to', for passing values between reactives with a transform function
Text.untilMatch: options for how to handle when there is no match. Before the source string is returned. Now it can optionally throw an error or yield a fallback.
- Circles.interiorIntegerPoints: iterate integer points within a circle
- Circles.exteriorIntegerPoints: iterate integer points that define the circumference
- unique: changed to compare by object reference
- uniqueByValue: compare by value
- jitter: Bug fix with min/max value polarity
- Major changes to Trees module
- Arrays.cycle: cycle through elements of array
- trackUnique: Returns true when a new value is seen
Bug fixes with Plot2 and SceneGraph, StringWriteBuffer
Immutable.getPaths has option to only return leaf fields
Renamed Chains.chain to Chains.run
Added Chains.prepare to decouple data source and chain
- Util.isPlainObjectOrPrimitive: returns false if it's something like 'window' or 'document'
- Util.isPlainObject: returns true if it's a simple {...} object
- Improvements to Reactive
- IQueueMutable.toArray() to copy contents
- Dom.elRequery: Dynamic wrapper that re-queries matching element(s)
- Immutable.isEqualContextString: use JSON5 rather than JSON.toString
- Immutable.compareData has open to 'deep probe'. This picks up fields which are not iterable. Eg. for things on PointerEvents.
- Unit testings: Arrays.flatten, Arrays.without, Modulation.jitter
- Geometry.Point: improve parameter guarding for Points.angle and Points.distance
- Data.Pool: ability to mutate resource-associated data
- Bipolar.random & Bipolar.randomSource
- Moved Arrays.compareValueEqual. compareValues to Iterables
- Vector.fromRadians, Vector.toRadians
- Dom.DataDisplay: easily display state
- Data.noiseFilter wip
- Data.Chains: process a series of async generators
- Data.Pipes: Stream-like data processing
- Data.Table: simple table-style of data structure
- Data.Graphs - directed & undirected graph structures
- Directed has a bunch of functions for detecting cycles, paths, topological sorts etc
- Geometry.Points.round
- Collections.NumberMap: work with Map<string,number>. Eg adding, multiplying
- Collections.Queue.PriorityMutable: priority queue
- Async iterables: Async.fromArray, Async.fromIterable
- Util.isMap, Util.isSet
- Dom.inlineConsole(): adds a DIV that captures and displays unhandled errors, console.log, console.warn & console.error
- Export Envelopes as sub-module of modulation
- Easing.smoothstep
- PlotBipolar
- Data.Bipolar module
- Linting
Small fixes
- StateMachine: Lightweight, pure function state machine implementation (no events, immutable)
- StateMachineWithEvents wraps this and provides events like the old class implementation
- Execute: runs a set of async functions in series, returning results as an array. Possibility to rank results or stop execution early
- StateMachineDriver: Using StateMachine & Execute, run different functions depending on current state. With low amounts of code it's possible to cycle between different states
- containsDuplicateValues: returns true if array contains repeated values
- additionalValues: yields the values of one iterable which are not present in the source array.
Lots of refactors and minor improvements
- Modulation/adsrIterable: iterate over envelope values over time
- Abort Signal support through Flow module
- Preferring a style that returns functions, and takes single arguments
- Map.getClosestIntegerKey: Assuming a Map with number keys, returns the closest key for a given value
- Test refactor so all functions take a single parameter
- generateIntegerUnique: randomly walk a range of integers without repeating
Guards/integerParse: Parse a value to an integer that follows given bounds, or return a default value
Collections/Trees: Improved path-based iteration and tree-building
- afterMatch: Return everything after a matched sub-string, or return the original if not found
- untilMatch: Use same opts type as new afterMatch
- Unit tests for both
- first/last: return first or last item of an iterable
- Broke some tree stuff into pure functions which the new TreeNodeMutable uses
- Added support for tree-like operations over objects and Maps
- Basic implementation and test
- betweenChomp: Return part of string before a given start and end match, eg '[' and ']', as well as a copy of the string with all of that removed.
- Improved test coverage
- Favour iterables rather than array return values
- Functions changed to take readonly or mutable array (although none mutate an input)
- filterAB: Array.filter, but returns items that return false as well as true
- Added 'removeValue' function that remove value regardless of key it is stored under
- removed readonly from the return value of arrays where applicable
- added
, combining values from one or more arrays, only keeping unique values
- Random/minuteMs/secondMs: Generate random times (in ms) from minute or second ranges
- runOnce: only run a closure once
- TaskQueue: serial task processing
- sleep & interval: support for an AbortSignal to cancel sleep
- continuously: now takes an options object:
: if true, callback is run before waiting, rather than the default of after the initial waitonStartCalled
: return value determines whether a call to .start() continues as normal, cancels, resets or disposes loop- disposable: if true, the loop will throw an error if a start is attempted
- quadTree
- Intersects: centralise a bunch of geometry logic
- Layout: CirclePacking.random
- Convolve2d: Kernel convolution
- Grid.toArray: return a 2D array form of a grid
- Grid.array2dUpdater: allows setting values to a 2D array with grid coordinates
Trees: BinarySearchTree, Tree, basic traversal
mutableStack: fixed bug with pop
MapOfMutable: added iteration over values stored under key
Visuals/ImageDataGrid: Access the DOM's ImageData array as a virtual grid of RGBA values
SurfacePoints: generate a Vogel spiral and distribution of points on a sphere.
SurfacePoints: distribute points on rings
Numbers/linearSpace: Generate x number of values from start->end, with linear distribution
Numbers/rounder: Returns a function to round numbers. Numbers.round() wraps this.
Debug/logger / Deubg/logSet: can provide a colour key instead of colouring based on prefix
- Util/mapObject: Like a regular map function, but for object properties.
- Arrays/pushUnique: add items to an array, but only if they don't already exist
- Maps/fromObject: create a map based on an object's properties
- Maps/addObject: add property-value pairs of an object to a map
- Collections/SetImmutable: immutable Set
- Collections/ExpiringMap: a map which can automatically drop elements which aren't updated/set after some period
- Data/Pool: Manage a pool of resources
- Io/VideoFile: Use a video file as a source for a frame grabber
- Io/FrameProcessor: Update to support VideoFile
- Collections/Maps.sortByValue/sortByValueProperty: return entries sorted by values, or property of values
- Collections/Maps.deleteByValue: delete by value rather than key
- Geometry/Scaler: convert to and from relative/absolute Cartesian coordinates easily
- Circle/Rects/Points.multiplyScalar / Points.multiplyScalar: multiply all components by a value
- Flow/repeatReduce: call a function repeatedly, reducing down to a single value
- Util/defaultComparer: follow default semantics for Array.sort
- Bug fix for Correlate.align
- Arrays/mergeByKey: merge two arrays with a custom key-generation function and reconciler.
- Arrays/reducePairwise: reduce-style function but pairwise
- Maps/fromIterable: create a map from an iterable, such as an array
- Maps/mergeByKey: merge two maps using a reconcile function
- data/Correlate: Attempts to correlate two data sets by id and a supplied similarity function. Used for matching pose data from TensorFlow.js
- flow/Timer.relativeTimerTicks: compute progression based on ticks instead of time
- flow/everyNth: returns true every nth invocation.
- Refactor of trackers. Rather than
being a first parameter, its an optional part of the options object. Intermediate storage turned on automatically if one of the buffering options is set (resetAfterSample or sampleLimit) - PointTracker.lineStartEnd: return line from initial to last point
- PointTracker.vectorPolar / vectorCartesian: return vector from initial to last point
- Arrays.until Returns all items in source array until predicate returns true
- Bug fix for accessing camera on iOS
- Flow.StateMachine.drive: 'driver' for changing states somewhat automatically. Each state has a set of handler(s) which are executed whilst the machine is in that state. If multiple handlers are provided, there are some options for how to handle this: either the first valid response is used, the highest-rating or lowest-rating. In additional there are some fallback handlers.
- Dom/DragDrop: generic drag and drop handler
- Flow/Timer.hasElapsedMs / Elapsed.progress: returns functions that yield whether a timer is done, or the percentage done
- Geometry/Polar: additional functions for handling polar coordinates
- Geometry/Vector: wrapper for Points.Point and Polar.Coords for vector (magnitude/direction) processing
- Added type guards for Normalise.stream
- EspruinoSerialDevice: Use USB.println instead of Serial.println for reporting eval results
- Bug fix for Espruino eval
dom/Util - cycleCssClass
- Cycle between different applied CSS classes
Numbers - quantiseEvery
- Quantise a value by every x steps
- quantiseEvery(11,10) = 10, for example, since we're quantising to every 10 steps.
geometry/Point - quantiseEvery
- Uses Numbers.quantiseEvery to quantise x and y
- Moving average with timed automatic decay.
- Bug fix
- Bug fix so it works in a worker
- Name-based filtering
- Auto-reconnect stub
- interpolate bug fix
- Allow pre-existing canvas element to be used as capture buffer
- Added 'scaleClamped' to scale & clamp
- relation() tracks speed
- Refactoring of trackers
- centroid() skips undefined points
IterableSync helper functions
Numbers module
- sum()
geometry/Line, Circle, Arc
- Renamed 'equals' to 'isEqual' for consistency
- abs()
- targetForce
- orientationForce
- spring
geometry/Shape, Circle
- center()
- Added timeout possibility when waiting for camera connection
- DeviceId & resolution-based constraint
- toArray(), fromNumbers()
- normaliseByRect()
io/FrameProcessor class
- Generic 'frame grabber' type of functionality
- manualCapture() to capture from a source video element
- Allow rate to change dynamically
geometry/Triangle, TriangleEquilateral, TriangleRight
- arrow()
- project()
- refactoring
- adsrSample now an async generator
- interleave()
- defaultErrorHandler() - show errors on screen
- reconcileChildren()
- clear()
- relation()
- Use common foundation
IterableAsync helper functions
- adsrSample - sample automatically from envelope
- sample() - sub sample
- dotProduct()
- area, circumference
- directionVector, directionVectorNormalised, perpendicularPoint, parallel, scaleFromMidpoint
- reduce, normalise, rotate
- starburst
- triangle()
- movingAverageLight