A compiler held together by fairy-dust for the Fryte interpreter.
Variables of types string, char, int, bool and auto (if a default value is given, not really a type). 8-bit maximum, excluding strings, at the moment.
Math involving the operators +, -, *, / and %. Math can be made up of other variables or numbers.
Assignment operators +=, -=, *=, /= and %=.
Escape sequences in strings, supports \n, \t, \v, \b, \r, \f and \a. C++ equivalents.
Console output
Console input
Conditional IF, ELSE, FOR and WHILE statements with support for the operators ==, !=, >, <, >= and <=, and the logical operators OR (|) and AND (&)
Gotos <- Have fun
Declaring/initialising/setting/using variables.
Functions with arguments and return statements which can return values
Statically sized arrays of all data types
string getName()
string name
Console.print("\nWhat is your name? ")
return name
int getAge()
int age
Console.print("\nWhat is your age? ")
return age
void entry()
Console.print("\nHello ", getName(), ", you are ", getAge(), " years old!")
string key = "password1"
string entered
int attemptsRemaining = 3
while((entered != key) & (attemptsRemaining > 0))
Console.print("Enter the password: ")
if(entered == key)
Console.print("Password was correct!")
Console.print("Password incorrect. Attempts remaining: ", attemptsRemaining - 1, "\n")
attemptsRemaining -= 1
for(int a = 0, a < 10, a += 1)
if((a % 2) == (0))
Console.print(a, " is even!\n")
Console.print(a, " is odd!\n")