In this project we were assigned to create a dynamic web application that navigates through a Film data base. We were also paired with a partner to create this project. When you run the program you are prompted three options ("Find film by id", "Find film by keyword", and "Add Film") to choose from. When you find an object by id, you are shown all of the films details (title, a short description, date released, language, cast list, etc.)and also prompted three options to click ("go home", "update film details", and "delete film"). If you were to choose "find film by keyword" it lists all of the films that have that keyword in the title or description. Under each film name you have the option to view film details and it redirects you to the same page as when you search film by id. Lastly, on the home page you have the option of creating a film which redirects you to a form to that takes in different film characteristics. Once the form is submit, it redirects you to the same film overview film as "Find film by id" and "Find film by keyword."
----Film Overview page----
When you click "Update film", you are redirected to a page where you can enter details you would like to change from the already existing film. Once the form is submitted it redirects you back to the film overview page. When you click the "Delete" option it redirects you to a page that confirms that the form was deleted or a page that lets you know why it wasnt deleted if it was unable to delete (On that page you also have a "Go Home" button).