#TRHS Info
##This app provides various pieces of information about ThunderRidge High School, ranging from important times and dates to weather closures and other such info.
Contributions are welcomed and anyone who would like to add to this project is free to fork this. All user submissions will be considered and reviewed, and if the idea is assistive in any way, the contribution will be accepted.
Here is some technical information for those who would like to contribute to the codebase:
- This mobile app has been created using HTML5, CSS3, JS/jQuery/AJAX, and the Cordova build.
- The framework that was used was jQuery Mobile
- There are a couple of cross-domain AJAX requests to data such as weather closure information as well as the teacher directory
- All the code is licensed, and the specifics can be found in the License.md file
Some features we would like to add in the future are:
- Infinite Campus integration
Storing the user's scheduleHas been implemented- Notifications when next class has started
Any help with these features is also appreciated.