These are projects that use the chip_avr_asm_lib and 'C' modules.
Name | Description |
3pi_Pololu_C_Code_Dev | General examples of 3pi drivers in C code. |
AnimatronicFaceBoard | Animated Face development board in C code. |
AT85_I2C_Bootloader | I2C Bootloader for ATtiny85 based on AVR911 and AVR112. |
ATtiny85_TempSensor | I2C Slave for ATtiny85 to read on-chip temperature. |
AVRFlashDataTutorial | Examples and discussion for accessing data in FLASH. |
EM_8x8 | An 8x8 Emote Module to give a robot character. |
Example AVR Assembly Code | General examples of uncommon commands. |
Example AVR C Code | General examples of hardware drivers in C code. |
GlowEyesType1 | Simple glowing LEDs for ATtiny85. |
GlowEyesType2 | Simple glowing LEDs for WS2812B. |
HC_SR04 Tutorial | Tutorial on how to use a HC_SR04 ultrasonic sensor. |
I2C_Master_Code_Dev | Demo board code used to develop I2C code. |
I2C_Slave_Code_Dev/I2C_Logger | Slave code Logger example. |
I2C_Slave_Code_Dev/I2C_SlaveCore | Slave Core code example with Arduino Master. |
ImpactMonModelB | Impact display project using ADXL345 3D accelerometer. |
LCD_ControlPanelSlaveInC | Revised LCD I2C Slave in C code. |
LCD_16100_CP | Revised LCD I2C Slave code. |
LED_Display_DevCode | I2C 4x2 7-seg LED Display Slave. |
Motor Slave | Four channel DC motor control with quad encoder and limit switch inputs. |
NewAVR | Example code for the ATmega4808/4809 next generation of AVR devices using both Atmel Studio 7 and MPLAB X IDEs. |
StarNet | Update of Winky Lights (20 LEDs on 5 lines) using AVR ATtiny85 in C code. |
R2_Comm_Link | Audio communications using Dual Tones and Goertiz tone detection. |
Range Helper | Distance ranger with vibration feedback. |
RC Interface | RC servo signal measuring I2C Slave for AI cars. |
SumoBot_Code_Dev | Control of a Sumo Bot base using my LCD_CDM-16100 board. |
SumoBot_Maze | Control of a Sumo Bot base using Sumo Maze board. |
SumoBotC | Revised code written in C. Uses LCD_CDM-16100 for I2C display. |
TankBot_Code_Dev | DC PWM motor control, Sonar and IR sensors. |
TankBotBare2Project | The full AVR Studio 6 development for phase 2 I2C slave. |
USBSerialTester | A simple ASCII serial Tx/Rx module for testing Unity 2017 Serial Communications. |
USI_I2C_Slave | 'C' code AVR312_Slave code example with Arduino Master. |
USI_I2C_Slave_NonIntr | 'C' code I2C Slave code for ATtiny85 that doesn't use interrupts. |
WinkyReduxProject | Redo of Winky Lights with AVR ATtiny85 in C code. |
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Handles | Processing3 GUI Slider Class based on handles example code. |