Multimodal VAE Active Inference Controller, published on IROS2021.
Preprint: Cristian Meo and Pablo Lanillos (2021). "Multimodal VAE Active Inference Controller".
This repository includes the code for the MAIF torque controller code and the tests with the 7DOF Panda robot.
- ROS (melodic)
- pytorch 1.7.0
- cv2
- seaborn 0.11.0
Once the dependencies are installed, a catkin workspace has to be created. To do it:
- Create a folder for your catkin_ws: $ mkdir -p your_catkin_ws/src
- Move to the folder: $ cd your_catkin_ws/src
- Clone the repository $ git clone
- Move back to your_catkin_ws: $ cd ..
- Build the workspace: $ catkin_make
- Source: $ source devel/setup.bash
To run the controller:
After building and sorcing the workspace you have to launch the simulation: $ roslaunch panda_simulation simulation_py.launch The launch file launches a Gazebo simulation in pause, start the simulation pressing Gazebo play button.
Go to the controller folder: $ cd src/panda_simulation/panda_control_MAIF/src
You have to run the camera node, which subscribe images from Gazebo and publish them for the controller: $ python2.7
then, in another terminal, run the controller: $ python
To run the Mental simulation, go to the controller folder: $ cd src/panda_simulation/panda_control_MAIF/src
and run: $ python