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Running interactive MATLAB jobs on the cluster

Gabriel A. Devenyi edited this page Mar 31, 2016 · 1 revision

Many interactive MATLAB tools (such as SPM) require the MATLAB GUI to function.

As such, submitting batch jobs to the cluster is not always an option.

Thankfully, SGE offers an interface to start an interactive job on the cluster, from which you can launch an interactive MATLAB session.

#Launch an interactive job on the cluster, using 12 CPUs, you may have to wait for space, if you reduce cpus to a smaller number, you may get a login faster
> qlogin -pe smp 12
Your job 459796 ("QLOGIN") has been submitted
waiting for interactive job to be scheduled ...
Your interactive job 459796 has been successfully scheduled.
username@ciccs> module load matlab/R2012a
username@ciccs> module load SPM
username@ciccs> matlab
> matlabpool open local
#Go about your work
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