Please do not touch any files in workflows unless you're part of the development team (aka: not a content creator). Any changes there might disrupt the workflow, which will lead to a lot of confused/angry students & teachers.
- .github: stuff for the workflows. Please do not touch (see above).
- startcode: where you put the starter code for students. Important to know: only code in this folder will be zipped. Which is also why the .gitignore is repeated here.
- readme/.gitignore/license: pretty much exactly what it says.
Please respect the following format rules in our Python code which is seen by students:
- Dutch variable & function names: we want to prevent a students mastery of English being a barrier to learning.
- snake_case: we follow the Python standard of snake_casing.
- Please do not start file names with a number: This complicates things for replit (some students use this instead of pycharm).