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Making POST array persistent

Derek Jones edited this page Jul 5, 2012 · 6 revisions

(Originally posted in this topic pagination and post variables)

If the values from the**$_POST**array are used in a database query to extract a subset of records from the main database. and if this subset consists of more records than can be displayed on one page. Then, when a pagination link is clicked to create another page of records, the $_POSTarray is returned empty and the values are not available to replicate the filtering.

Therefore the problem is to make the $_POSTarray values persistent.

My way of doing this is involves extending the session class with an adaption of the code posted in this thread by Kelvin Luck.

First, update your database with the following SQL:

ALTER TABLE `ci_sessions` ADD `lastpost_data` TEXT

then add the following code to the session class code (system/libraries/Session.php)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

// Code to facilitate transfer of $_POST array to and from session database
// Based on code by Kelvin Luck published here

var $last_post;

* Check if the $_POST global variable contains any data.
* if it does, copy it to the lastpost_data field in the sessions database.
* if it is empty, reload it with the last array .

* @author Dodmo
* @access public
* @param boolean
* @return void
function get_last_post($clear='TRUE'){
if ((count($_POST)==0)&&($this->_is_last_post())){
    $_POST = $this->last_post;
else if (count($_POST)>0){
$last_post = array();
$_POST = $this->last_post;
* Test for previous $_POST data stored in session database
* @author Dodmo
* @access private
* @return boolean
function _is_last_post()
$myresult = (count($this->last_post)>0) ;
return $myresult; 

* Fetch a specific item from the lastpost_data array in the session database
* (not required for get_last_post function but retained for future use.
* @authorKelvin Luck adapted by Dodmo
* @accesspublic
* @paramstring
* @returnstring
function last_post($item)
if ($this->_readlast_post() ) {
return ( ! isset($this->last_post[$item])) ? FALSE : $this->last_post[$item];
} else {
return FALSE;
} // END last_post

* Add or change data in the the lastpost_data array in the session database
* @authorKelvin Luck adapted by Dodmo
* @parammixed
* @paramstring
* @returnvoid
function set_last_post($newdata = array(), $newval = '')
if ($this->_readlast_post()) {
if (is_string($newdata)) {
$newdata = array($newdata => $newval);

if (count($newdata) > 0) {
foreach ($newdata as $key => $val) {
$this->last_post[$key] = $val;

} // END set_last_post

* Internal function to read and unserialize the lastpost_data from the database
* @authorKelvin Luck adapted by Dodmo
* @accessprivate
* @returnboolean
function _readlast_post(){
if ($this->use_database === TRUE) {
if (!isset($this->last_post)) {
$result = $this->object->db->query('SELECT lastpost_data FROM `'.$this->session_table.'` WHERE session_id=?', array($this->userdata['session_id']));
if ($result->num_rows() > 0) {
$row = $result->row();
$session = $row->lastpost_data;
if (count($session)>0){
$session = @unserialize($session);
if ($session == '') {
$session = array();
$this->last_post = $session;
return TRUE;
} else {
log_message('error', '_readlast_post called when there is not a valid session in the database');
return FALSE;
} else {
// already read it!
return TRUE;
} else {
log_message('error', 'You cannot access session->last_post unless you are using databases for your session!');
return FALSE;
} // END _readlast_post

* Internal function to serialize and write the lastpost_data to the database
* @authorKelvin Luck adapted by Dodmo
* @accessprivate
* @returnvoid
function _writelast_post()
$server_data_serialized = serialize($this->last_post);
$this->object->db->query($this->object->db->update_string($this->session_table, array('lastpost_data' => $server_data_serialized), array('session_id' => $this->userdata['session_id'])));

// END last_post

// End added code to facilitate transfer of $_POST array to and from session database

Now you have a new method you can call

$this->session->get_last_post(); // (the parameter defaults to TRUE) 

Ifget_last_post()is passedTRUEparameter or left void then thelastpost_datafield in the sessions database will be cleared before the a new $_POSTarray is inserted ($_POSTis left unmodified) If the function is passed FALSEparameter then the existinglastpost_datawill be amalgamated with the fresh $_POSTdata (exising keys are updated new ones added) and this amalgam is passed back into $_POSTfor the application to use.

DISCLAIMER I am new to php/mysql and anyone using this code should bear that in mind.

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