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Sanitizes filenames

.NET build and test NuGet Donate

Implements rules documented by Microsoft + file name length truncation to 255 bytes - common on many modern file systems. Runs on any .net8 target platform.


using Codeuctivity;

string unsafeString = "file*Name";
string safeFileName = unsafeString.SanitizeFilename();
Console.WriteLine($"Unsafe: {unsafeString}");
//Unsafe: file*Name
Console.WriteLine($"Sanitized: {safeFileName}");
//Sanitized: file_Name

string safeFileNameOptionalReplacementChar = unsafeString.SanitizeFilename(' ');
Console.WriteLine($"SafeFileNameOptionalReplacementChar: {safeFileNameOptionalReplacementChar}");
//SafeFileNameOptionalReplacementChar: file Name


Restrictions of Windows, Linux and OsX are alle combined to an replacemant pattern, that will sanitize any filename to be compatible with any of the OS and common filesystem restrictions.

Pattern OS that dont support pattern OS that support pattern Example
Reserverd keywords Windows Linux, OsX CON, PRN, AUX, ...
Reserved chars Linux, Windows, OsX '/', '\0'
Reserved chars windows Windows Linux, OsX '\', '""', ...
InvalidTrailingChars Windows Linux, OsX ' ', ','
Max length Linux Linux, Windows, OsX 255 bytes
Max length Linux, Windows, OsX 255 chars
Unicode surrogates OsX, Linux Windows U+D800 - U+DFFF
NotAssigned to unicode OsX Linux, Windows U+67803, ...