Welcome rubyists
Our course agenda. Keep up to date with it.
“Computer science education cannot make anybody an expert programmer any more than studying brushes and pigment can make somebody an expert painter.”
- Eric S. Raymond
- Fork this repo to your github account
- Clone it locally onto your laptop using source tree
- Add this (https://github.com/CodingDojoDallas/ruby_dec_16) repo as a REMOTE to your locally cloned copy.
- Profit!
- Possibly get cupcakes.
- PULL from THIS repo (class remote) into your local MASTER
- PUSH your local MASTER to your remote MASTER
- FORK from your local MASTER into a NEW Branch
- Name your new Branch something unique (for example the date)
- COPY your changed files into YOUR OWN folder in your local repo's branch
- Commit the changes.
- PUSH your new branch up to your GitHub account
- From GitHub, create a pull request off the new branch
NOTE: If you don't get in at least one pull request daily, then ya ain't serious.
Bank Account OOP - https://youtu.be/p4t1-0Gvl6Y
Ruby TDD - https://youtu.be/YSVnP5p9ly0
Bank Account TDD - https://youtu.be/lNOHQzmf5yk
Blogs/Posts/Messages II - https://youtu.be/ezDWz9IFmi0
Intro to Controllers - https://youtu.be/i2T9H-G3Stg
EDD w/ Survey Form - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKlROqXD7pQ&feature=youtu.be
Controllers - Helpers - https://youtu.be/xR6ALa8RfXo
Controllers - Form Helpers and Paths - https://youtu.be/9vTfOrEm-L0
Products Dashboard - https://youtu.be/V9Gr7IKjui4
Login/Registration w/ Bcrypt - https://youtu.be/wgGeVPQ1krI
Belt Review - https://youtu.be/YbprvnaeCP0
An important note: before_save is called every time an object is saved. So for new and existing objects. (create and update action) before_create only before creation. So only for new objects (create action, but not update)