This project started on a school project to understand how Python classes work. I decided to go forward and beyond coding the whole league and now working on the web app. So far, I have created the web app interface where you can create your account and select your favorite team. I'll work on displaying the results of the simulated tournament on the screen and adding the possibility of setting chances to win to specific teams in specific matches.
After clonning the repository, you just should run:
It is important to notice:
- Each point is assigned randomly at this point.
- It has no statistical backgound, yet.
Some pictures of what has been achieved so far.
The progress through my final goal so far.
- pandas
Web app:
- flask
- flask-sqlalchemy
- requests
- flask-wtf
- flask-bcrypt
- flask-login
- pillow
- email-validator
This project is still in progress.
- I took the idea from Lambda School's OOP Review