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Get The Transaction Record (V2)

CoinTiger-API edited this page May 31, 2022 · 7 revisions

GET {Trading_Macro_v2}/order/match_results/v2 (query for the current trasaction , history transaction )

Request parameters

parameter subject must or not type describtion defaults ranges
api_key true string platform allocated api key
symbol true string trading pairs btcbitcny, bchbtc, rcneth ...
start-date false string query for the start date yyyy-mm-dd date format is yyyy-mm-dd maximum 7 days between the start date and the final log time
end-date false string query for the end date date format is yyyy-mm-dd maximum 7 days between the start date and the final log time
from false string query for the start ID match ID use with direct
direct false string query direction default:next prev :forward,next:backwards
size false string query the record amount default:50 query 50 record maximum at once
time true string current timestamp

request parameters:example (can not be used directly, need to replace your own parameters)


response data

parameter subject must or not type describtionranges
id true long match ID
price true string commission price
volume true string transaction amount
fee true string fees
orderId true long order ID
symbol true string trading pairs btcbitcny, bchbtc, eoseth ...
type true string entrust type buy-market, sell-market, buy-limit, sell-limit
status true string order status 1 :new order, 2:compeletely deal, 3 :partial deal, 4:revoked,6:abnormal order
mtime true string deal time
source true string order source api


  "status": "ok",
  "data": [{
		"id": 1084584,
		"price": 0.07231094,
		"volume": 1.000,
		"orderId": 5228948,
		"mtime": 1524823324000,
		"symbol": "ethbtc",
		"type": "buy-limit",
		"status": 2,
		"fee": 0.00100000,
		"source": "api"

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