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currencys (V2)

CoinTiger-API edited this page Jun 14, 2019 · 2 revisions

GET {Trading_Macro_v2}/currencys/v2 (check all the crypto-currency supported by CoinTiger)

request parameter


Response Data

currency list

Response example

    "code": "0",
    "msg": "suc",
    "data": {
        "bitcny-partition": [
                "baseCurrency": "btc",     // base currency 
                "quoteCurrency": "bitcny", // quote currency
                "pricePrecision": 2,       // digit of price accuracy (0 as :the unit)
                "amountPrecision": 4,      // digit of amount accuracy (0 as :the unit)
                "amountMin": 0.0010        // Minimum order quantity
                "withdrawFeeMin": 0.0005,  // the minimum withdrawal fees.
                "withdrawFeeMax": 0.005,   // the maximum withdrawal fees.   
                "withdrawOneMin": 0.01,    // the minimum limit of withdrawal fees
                "withdrawOneMax": 10,      // the maximum limit of withdrawal fees
                "depthSelect": {           // depth selection setting
                    "step0": "0.01",       // Consolidation depth 0-2
                    "step1": "0.1",
                    "step2": "1"

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