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Public Request And Subscription Instructions

CoinTiger-API edited this page Jan 23, 2019 · 2 revisions

1. Address


2. Data Compression

All data returned by the WebSocket API is GZIP-compressed, So client need to decompress after receiving the data

3. Heartbeat

WebSocket API supports bi-directional heartbeat, either Server or Client can initiate a ping message, then the other party return pongmessage

WebSocket Server send heartbeats:

{"ping": 1519789122605}

WebSocket Client should return:

{"pong": 1519789122605}

4. Subscribed data(sub)

Subscribed data format

After successfully establishing the connection to the WebSocket API, the server sends data of the following format to subscribe data:

 	    "channel":"xxx",// xxx corresponds to the Subscribed channel name

5. Cancel Subscription(unsub)

format of canceling Subscription

After WebSocket Client subscribe data, client can cancel the subscription,.WebSocket Server will not send the topic data again after unsubscription, unsubscription format is as follows:

 	    "channel":"xxx",// xxx corresponds to the channel name that you want to cancel the subscription

Websocket API Interface

REST API Interface

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