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Trading Create Order

CoinTiger-API edited this page Feb 28, 2018 · 1 revision

Create Order

/api/order (POST)

Request Parameter

Parameter Types Description
api_key Required assigned api key by platform
side Required Trading direction:BUY、SELL
type Required Pending order type
1: limit commission
2: market commission
volume Required Purchase amount (Polysemy, Multiplex Fields)
type=1:indicate the number of transactions
type=2:buy indicate total price, sell indicate the total number
Trading restrictions user / me-user information
capital_password Required Funding password, based on user password type
price Required Unit Price: type = 2: This parameter is not required
symbol Required Market markup, 202201: eth / btc
time Required Time stamp
sign Required Signature


Field Instance Explanation
code 0
msg "suc" code>0 fail
data {"order_id":34343} success, return to transaction ID

Virtual coin number xxx-btc(xxx201)

eth ethbtc
ltc ltcbtc
bcc bccbtc
etc etcbtc
tch tchbtc

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