JavaScript (Lo-Dash, Underscore) & Ruby inspired set of Swift extensions for standard types and classes.
Examples in the Wiki
Name | Signature |
first |
first () -> Element? |
last |
last () -> Element? |
get |
get (index: Int) -> Element? |
remove |
remove <U: Equatable> (element: U) |
at |
at (indexes: Int...) -> Array |
take |
take (n: Int) -> Array |
takeWhile |
takeWhile (condition: (Element) -> Bool) -> Array |
tail |
tail (n: Int) -> Array |
skip |
skip (n: Int) -> Array |
skipWhile |
skipWhile (condition: (Element) -> Bool) -> Array |
contains |
contains <T: Equatable> (item: T...) -> Bool |
difference |
difference <T: Equatable> (values: Array<T>...) -> Array<T> |
intersection |
intersection <U: Equatable> (values: Array<U>...) -> Array |
union |
union <U: Equatable> (values: Array<U>...) -> Array |
unique |
unique <T: Equatable> () -> Array<T> |
indexOf |
indexOf <T: Equatable> (item: T) -> Int? |
lastIndexOf |
lastIndexOf <T: Equatable> (item: T) -> Int? |
zip |
zip (arrays: Array<Any>...) -> Array<Array<Any?>> |
partition |
partition (var n: Int, var step: Int? = nil) -> Array<Array<Element>> partition (var n: Int, var step: Int? = nil, pad: Element[]?) -> Array<Array<Element>> |
partitionAll |
partitionAll (var n: Int, var step: Int? = nil) -> Array<Array<Element>> |
partitionBy |
partitionBy <T: Equatable> (cond: (Element) -> T) -> Array<Array<Element>> |
shuffle |
shuffle () |
shuffled |
shuffled () -> Array |
sample (random) |
sample (size n: Int = 1) -> Array<T> |
max |
max <T: Comparable> () -> T |
min |
min <T: Comparable> () -> T |
each |
each (call: (Element) -> ()) each (call: (Int, Element) -> ()) |
eachRight |
eachRight (call: (Element) -> ()) eachRight (call: (Int, Element) -> ()) |
any |
any (call: (Element) -> Bool) -> Bool |
all |
all (call: (Element) -> Bool) -> Bool |
reject |
reject (exclude: (Element -> Bool)) -> Array |
pop |
pop() -> Element |
push |
push(newElement: Element) |
shift |
shift() -> Element |
unshift |
unshift(newElement: Element) |
groupBy |
groupBy <U> (groupingFunction group: (Element) -> (U)) -> Dictionary<U, Array> |
countBy |
countBy <U> (groupingFunction group: (Element) -> (U)) -> Dictionary<U, Int> |
reduceRight |
reduceRight <U>(initial: U, combine: (U, Element) -> U) -> U |
implode |
implode <C: ExtensibleCollection> (separator: C) -> C? |
flatten |
flatten <OutType> () -> OutType[] |
sortBy |
sortBy (isOrderedBefore: (T, T) -> Bool) -> Array<T> |
toDictionary |
toDictionary <U> (keySelector:(Element) -> U) -> Dictionary<U, Element> |
Name | Signatures |
range |
range <U: ForwardIndex> (range: Range<U>) -> Array<U> |
Name | Signature | Function |
- |
- <T: Equatable> (first: Array<T>, second: Array<T>) -> Array<T> |
Difference |
- |
- <T: Equatable> (first: Array<T>, second: T) -> Array<T> |
Element removal |
& |
& <T: Equatable> (first: Array<T>, second: Array<T>) -> Array<T> |
Intersection |
| |
| <T: Equatable> (first: Array, second: Array) -> Array |
Union |
* Int |
* <ItemType> (array: ItemType[], n: Int) -> ItemType[] |
Returns a new array built by concatenating int copies of self |
* String |
* (array: String[], separator: String) -> String |
Equivalent to array.implode(String) |
[x..y] [x...y] |
subscript(range: Range<Int>) -> Array |
Returns the sub-array from index x to index y |
[x, y, ...] |
subscript(first: Int, second: Int, rest: Int...) -> Array |
Returns the items at x, y |
Examples in the Wiki
Name | Signatures |
times |
times <T> (call: (Int) -> T) times <T> (call: () -> T) times (call: () -> ()) |
isEven |
isEven () -> Bool |
isOdd |
idOdd () -> Bool |
upTo |
upTo (limit: Int, call: (Int) -> ()) |
downTo |
downTo (limit: Int, call: (Int) -> ()) |
clamp |
clamp (range: Range<Int>) -> Int clamp (min: Int, max: Int) -> Int |
isIn |
isIn (range: Range<Int>, strict: Bool = false) -> Bool |
digits |
digits () -> Array<Int> |
abs |
abs () -> Int |
gcd |
gcd (n: Int) -> Int |
lcm |
lcm (n: Int) -> Int |
Name | Signatures |
random |
random(min: Int = 0, max: Int) -> Int |
Examples in the Wiki
Name | Signature |
abs |
abs () -> Float |
sqrt |
sqrt () -> Float |
round |
round () -> Float |
ceil |
ceil () -> Float |
floor |
floor () -> Float |
digits |
digits () -> (integerPart: Int[], fractionalPart: Int[]) |
Name | Signatures |
random |
random(min: Float = 0, max: Float) -> Float |
Examples in the Wiki
Name |
length |
Name | Signature |
explode |
explode (separator: Character) -> String[] |
at |
at (indexes: Int...) -> String[] |
matches |
matches (pattern: String, ignoreCase: Bool = false) -> NSTextCheckingResult[]? |
capitalized |
capitalized () -> String |
insert |
insert (index: Int, _ string: String) -> String |
ltrimmed |
ltrimmed () -> String |
rtrimmed |
rtrimmed () -> String |
trimmed |
trimmed () -> String |
Name | Signature |
random |
func random (var length len: Int = 0, charset: String = "...") -> String |
Name | Signature |
[x] |
subscript(index: Int) -> String? |
[x..y] [x...y] |
subscript(range: Range<Int>) -> String |
[x, y, z] |
subscript (indexes: Int...) -> String[] |
S * n |
* (first: String, second: Int) -> String |
=~ |
=~ (string: String, pattern: String) -> Bool =~ (string: String, options: (pattern: String, ignoreCase: Bool)) -> Bool =~ (strings: String[], pattern: String) -> Bool =~ (strings: String[], options: (pattern: String, ignoreCase: Bool)) -> Bool |
|~ |
|~ (string: String, pattern: String) -> Bool |~ (string: String, options: (pattern: String, ignoreCase: Bool)) -> Bool |
Examples in the Wiki
Name | Signatures |
times |
times (call: (T) -> ()) times (call: () -> ()) |
each |
each (call: (T) -> ()) |
Name | Signature |
random |
random (from: Int, to: Int) -> Range<Int> |
Name | Signature | Function |
= |
== <U: ForwardIndex> (first: Range<U>, second: Range<U>) -> Bool |
Compares 2 ranges |
Examples in the Wiki
Name | Signatures |
difference |
difference <V: Equatable> (dictionaries: Dictionary<KeyType, V>...) -> Dictionary<KeyType, V> |
union |
union (dictionaries: Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType>...) -> Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType> |
intersection |
intersection <K, V where K: Equatable, V: Equatable> (dictionaries: Dictionary<K, V>...) -> Dictionary<K, V> |
has |
has (key: KeyType) -> Bool |
isEmpty |
isEmpty () -> Bool |
map |
map <K, V> (mapFunction map: (KeyType, ValueType) -> (K, V)) -> Dictionary<K, V> |
mapValues |
mapValues <V> (mapFunction map: (KeyType, ValueType) -> (V)) -> Dictionary<KeyType, V> |
each |
each(eachFunction each: (KeyType, ValueType) -> ()) |
filter |
filter(testFunction test: (KeyType, ValueType) -> Bool) -> Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType> |
merge |
merge (dictionaries: Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType>...) -> Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType> |
shift |
shift () -> (KeyType, ValueType) |
groupBy |
groupBy <T> (groupingFunction group: (KeyType, ValueType) -> (T)) -> Dictionary<T, Array<ValueType>> |
countBy |
countBy <T> (groupingFunction group: (KeyType, ValueType) -> (T)) -> Dictionary<T, Int> |
any |
any (test: (KeyType, ValueType) -> (Bool)) -> Bool |
all |
all (test: (KeyType, ValueType) -> (Bool)) -> Bool |
reduce |
reduce <U> (initial: U, combine: (U, Element) -> U) -> U |
pick , at |
pick (keys: KeyType[]) -> Dictionary pick (keys: KeyType...) -> Dictionary at (keys: KeyType...) -> Dictionary |
Name | Signature | Function |
- |
- <K, V: Equatable> (first: Dictionary<K, V>, second: Dictionary<K, V>) -> Dictionary<K, V> |
Difference |
& |
& <K, V: Equatable> (first: Dictionary<K, V>, second: Dictionary<K, V>) -> Dictionary<K, V> |
Intersection |
| |
| <K, V: Equatable> (first: Dictionary<K, V>, second: Dictionary<K, V>) -> Dictionary<K, V> |
Union |
Examples in the Wiki
Name | Signatures |
cast |
cast <OutType> () -> OutType[] |
flatten |
flatten <OutType> () -> OutType[] |
Examples in the Wiki
Name | Signatures |
after |
after <P, T> (n: Int, function: P -> T) -> (P -> T?) func after <T> (n: Int, function: () -> T) -> (() -> T?) |
once |
once <P, T> (function: P -> T) -> (P -> T?) once <T> (call: Void -> T) -> (Void -> T?) |
partial |
partial <P, T> (function: (P...) -> T, _ parameters: P...) -> ((P...) -> T?) |
bind |
bind <P, T> (function: (P...) -> T, _ parameters: P...) -> (() -> T) |
cached |
cached <P, R> (function: (P...) -> R) -> ((P...) -> R) cached <P, R> (function: (P...) -> R, hash: ((P...) -> P)) -> ((P...) -> R) |
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