This CodeMirror 6 plugin adds support for the Java programming language, including linting, autocomplete and syntax highlighting.
This plugin is based on the @codemirror/lang-java
This plugin is under development. Breaking changes will happen. Contributions are welcome.
- Program
- (for a one-class-per-file structure)
- PackageDeclaration
- ImportDeclaration
- name
- Identifier
- ScopedIdentifier
- name
- ClassDeclaration
- ClassBody
- InterfaceDeclaration
- InterfaceBody
- EnumDeclaration
- EnumBody
- EnumBodyDeclarations
- EnumConstant
- AnnotationTypeDeclaration
- AnnotationTypeBody
- AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration
- ModuleDeclaration
- ModuleBody
- ModuleDirective
- ConstructorDeclaration
- ConstructorBody
- MethodDeclaration
- FieldDeclaration / ConstantDeclaration
- InterfaceTypeList
- Modifiers
- annotation
- AnnotationArgumentList
- ElementValuePair
- type
- simpleType
- unannotatedType
- TypeName
- TypeArguments
- TypeBound
- TypeParameters
- TypeParameter
- Wildcard
- ArrayType
- Dimension
- ArrayInitializer
- Block
- ExpressionStatement
- LabeledStatement
- IfStatement
- WhileStatement
- ForStatement
- EnhancedForStatement
- AssertStatement
- SwitchStatement
- SwitchBlock
- SwitchLabel
- DoStatement
- BreakStatement
- ContinueStatement
- ReturnStatement
- SynchronizedStatement
- LocalVariableDeclaration
- VariableInitializer
- ThrowStatement
- TryStatement
- CatchClause
- FinallyClause
- TryWithResourcesStatement
- expression
- AssignmentExpression
- BinaryExpression
- InstanceofExpression
- LambdaExpression
- TernaryExpression
- UpdateExpression
- baseExpression
- UnaryExpression
- CastExpression
- baseExpression
- literal
- ClassLiteral
- "this"
- Identifier
- ParenthesizedExpression
- ObjectCreationExpression
- FieldAccess
- ArrayAccess
- MethodInvocation
- MethodReference
- ArrayCreationExpression
- literal
- IntegerLiteral
- FloatingPointLiteral
- BooleanLiteral
- CharacterLiteral
- StringLiteral
- "null"