This is a small library of code-pieces that I find useful in many of my projects.
It covers areas that I miss in the JDK itself e.g. for arrays and collections, logging, networking stuff, as well as helpers for testing.
Here an (incomplete) list of bits and pieces in this lib:
- MappedCounter - counting things easily
- DateParser - print out things like "1h 2min ago" instead of "at 2015-04-01 16:23:23"
- ExecutionHelper - More easily run external processes and collect their output using Apache commons-exec underneath
- DeleteOnCloseInputStream - Delete a file as soon as the stream is closed
- SVNLogFileParser - Parse the XML output of 'svn log --xml ...'
- ZipFileCloseInputStream - Close a ZipFile as soon as the related InputStream (usually returned by the ZipFile) is closed
- ZipUtils - utilities for accessing content in Zip files recursively, i.e. access a file in a zip file inside a zip file.
Please note that some testing related pieces were moved into their own library to better separate these things. Look at for more details.
compile 'org.dstadler:commons-dost:1.+'
git clone git://
./gradlew eclipse
cd commons-dost
./gradlew check jacocoTestReport
- commons-dost is licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License.
- A few pieces are imported from other sources, the source-files contain the necessary license pieces/references.