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ContentChef iOS/iPadOS/MacOS SDK

Welcome to ContentChef API-First CMS's iOS/iPadOS/MacOS SDK.

How to use it

Import ContentChef SDK in your source file: import ContentChefSDK

Create your ContentChef instance like this:

// Content Chef configuration instantiation.
let configuration = ContentChefEnvironmentConfiguration(environment: .staging, spaceId: "{space identifier}")

// Content Chef instantiation
let contentChef = ContentChef.instanceWith(configuration: configuration)

Replace {space identifier} placeholder with an actual value retrieved from your ContentChef’s dashboard.

You can now use your contentChef instance to get the channel you want to use to retrieve info: you have two channels, the OnlineChannel and the PreviewChannel.

With the OnlineChannel you can retrieve contents which are in live state and which are actually visible, while with the PreviewChannel you can retrieve contents which are in both stage and live states and even contents that are not visible in the current date.

Both the OnlineChannel and the PreviewChannel have two methods which are getContent() and search().

You can use the getContent() method to collect a specific content by its own publicId, for example to retrieve a single post from your blog, a single image from a gallery or a set of articles from your featured articles list. Otherwise you can use the search() method to find contents with multiple matching criteria, like content definition name, publishing dates and more.


Retrieve Content

{publishing channel} can be retrieved from your ContentChef’s dashboard .

Replace {apiKey} placeholders with your api keys.

Retrieve the new-header content from the live environment:

// channel instantiation
let onlineChannel = contentChef.getOnlineChannel(channel: {publishing channel}, apiKey: "{apiKey}")

// request instantiation
let onlineContentRequest = ContentRequest(publicId: "new-header")

// content request expecting [String:AnyJSONType] type
onlineChannel.getContent(contentRequest: onlineContentRequest) { (result : Result<ContentResponse<[String:AnyJSONType]>, ContentChefError>) in
    switch result {
    case .success(let contentResponse):
        // payload is [String:AnyJSONType] type
    case .failure(let error):

Preview the new-header content in a given future date:

// channel instantiation
let previewChannel = contentChef.getPreviewChannel(channel: {publishing channel}, apiKey: "{apiKey}")

// request instantiation
let previewContentRequest = ContentRequest(publicId: "new-header", targetDate: Date().addingTimeInterval(60 * 60 * 24))

// content request expecting [String:AnyJSONType] type
previewChannel.getContent(contentRequest: previewContentRequest) { (result : Result<ContentResponse<[String:AnyJSONType]>, ContentChefError>) in
    switch result {
    case .success(let contentResponse):
        // payload is [String:AnyJSONType] type
    case .failure(let error):

If you prefer a specific type for the content payload, provide a custom Decodable type and pass it to request method as follows:

struct MyPayload : Decodable {
    let id : Int
    let name : String
    let date : Date
    let array : [String]
// content request expecting MyPayload type
onlineChannel.getContent(contentRequest: onlineContentRequest) { (result : Result<ContentResponse<MyPayload>, ContentChefError>) in
    switch result {
    case .success(let contentResponse):
        // payload is MyPayload type
    case .failure(let error):


Search for all the contents with public ids abc and def in the live environment:

// search request instantiation
var onlineSearchRequest = SearchRequest()

// search request parameters setting
onlineSearchRequest.publicIds = ["abc","def"]

// search request expecting [String:AnyJSONType] type onlineSearchRequest) { (result : Result<SearchResponse<[String:AnyJSONType]>, ContentChefError>) in
    switch result {
    case .success(let searchResponse):
        // each item is [String:AnyJSONType] type
    case .failure(let error):

Preview all the contents with public ids abc and def in a given future date:

// search request instantiation
var previewSearchRequest = SearchRequest()

// search request target date setter
previewSearchRequest.targetDate = Date().addingTimeInterval(60 * 60 * 24)

// search request parameters setting
previewSearchRequest.publicIds = ["abc","def"]

// search request expecting [String:AnyJSONType] type previewSearchRequest) { (result : Result<SearchResponse<[String:AnyJSONType]>, ContentChefError>) in
    switch result {
    case .success(let searchResponse):
        // each item is [String:AnyJSONType] type
    case .failure(let error):

If you prefer a specific type for the content payload, provide a custom Decodable type and pass it to request method as follows:

struct MyPayload : Decodable {
    let id : Int
    let name : String
    let date : Date
    let array : [String]

// search request expecting MyPayload type onlineSearchRequest) { (result : Result<SearchResponse<MyPayload>, ContentChefError>) in
    switch result {
    case .success(let searchResponse):
        // each item is MyPayload type
    case .failure(let error):

Look at ContentChefSampleApp in the source code for more examples.


Installing from GitHub through CocoaPods

ContentChef SDK is available via CocoaPods.

To install it use Podfile directives like the following:

pod ‘ContentChefSDK’, :git => "", :branch => "master"