A lightweight robust mod for Gorilla Tag that allows other mods to appened new pages to the default Gorilla Tag computer.
For your plugin to be recognized the assembly must have the AutoRegisterAttribute.
[assembly: AutoRegister]
namespace MyMod;
A simple page would look like the following.
[AutoRegister] // Tells Jerald to register this class
public class NotePadPage : Page
public override string PageTitle => "Note Pad"; // The text that will be displayed in the function select screen
private string text = Configuration.PersistantNote.Value;
public NotePadPage()
base.OnKeyPressed += (key) =>
switch (key.Binding)
case GorillaKeyboardBindings.delete:
text = text.Remove(text.Length - 1, 1);
case GorillaKeyboardBindings.option2 | GorillaKeyboardBindings.option3 | GorillaKeyboardBindings.down | GorillaKeyboardBindings.up:
// do nothing
case GorillaKeyboardBindings.enter:
Configuration.PersistantNote.Value = text;
case GorillaKeyboardBindings.option1:
text += " ";
text += key.characterString;
public override StringBuilder GetPageContent()
return new StringBuilder("Write anything you want to remember below.\n")
Key | Enum Binding | Is Function |
1 | one=1 | False |
2 | two=2 | False |
3 | three=3 | False |
4 | four=4 | False |
5 | five=5 | False |
6 | six=6 | False |
7 | seven=7 | False |
8 | eight=8 | False |
9 | nine=9 | False |
0 | zero=0 | False |
Q | Q=33 | False |
W | W=39 | False |
E | E=21 | False |
R | R=34 | False |
T | T=36 | False |
Y | Y=41 | False |
U | U=37 | False |
I | I=25 | False |
O | O=31 | False |
P | P=32 | False |
A | A=17 | False |
S | S=35 | False |
D | D=20 | False |
F | F=22 | False |
G | G=23 | False |
H | H=24 | False |
J | J=26 | False |
K | K=27 | False |
L | L=28 | False |
Z | Z=42 | False |
X | X=40 | False |
C | C=19 | False |
V | V=38 | False |
B | B=18 | False |
N | N=30 | False |
M | M=29 | False |
delete | delete=12 | True |
enter | enter=13 | True |
option1 | option1=14 | True |
option2 | option2=15 | True |
option3 | option3=16 | True |
up | up=10 | True |
down | down=11 | True |
Chin for the idea