- make a kernel, bootable with GRUB, who can write characters on screen
- code the interface between your kernel and the screen
- display "42" on the screen
- Add scroll and cursor support to your I/O interface.
- Add colors support to your I/O interface.
- Add helpers like printf / printk in order to print information / debug easily.
- Handle keyboard entries and print them.
- Handle different screens, and keyboard shortcuts to switch easily between then. - change F1-F3
- create a Global Descriptor Table and set GDT at address 0x00000800
- simple Shell class (reboot, halt, stack, shutdown, clear, help)
- reading theory
- Create an Interrupts Descriptor Table, fill it and register it
- A signal-callback system on your Kernel API
- An interface to schedule signals
- An interface to clean registers before a panic / halt
- An interface to save the stack before a panic
- Syscalls
- multi keyboard (qwerty, azerty) - change F4
- get_line function (my_screen->get_buffer)
- materials
- video tutorials with explanations
- QEMU with GDB : qemu-system-i386 -kernel mykernel.bin -monitor stdio
- QEMU with debugger: qemu-system-i386 -kernel mykernel.bin -d cpu,memory,...