React native chattify is there to help you build Chat applications in Neact Native very-easily
React Native Chattify provides a very easy way to build beautiful and user friendly chat interfaces in React Native. The package was written using latest React Native builds, hence, very capable of up to date and up to day user tasks.
You should note that this package requires react-native-reanimated@>=2.5.0 and react-native-gesture-handler@>=2.5.0 to be installed in order to work properly.
If these conditions are satisfied in your environment, then, you can proceed by running
npm install react-native-chattify
You can import the Chattify component from the app as follow:
import Chattify from 'react-native-chattify'
then, to use it,
onSend={onMsgSend} //function called when the send button is pressed
messages={messages} //takes a messages array
keyExtractor={(item:Message) =>}
isCurrentUser={(item:Message) => item.sender == 'Cruzor Blade'} //Function to check if a message have been sent by the current user
The props available are:
/** Function to call after pressing the message send button */
onSend:(obj: any) => Promise<void>
/** Styles for the content container of FlatList renderer */
/** Styles for the bubble reply view */
/** Styles for the bubble reply texts */
/** Messages array */
/** Text input styles */
keyExtractor:(item: Message) => string
/** Boolean that tells if the current message have been sent by the current user*/
isCurrentUser: (item: Message) => boolean
/** Styles for the container view of the chat */
/** Placeholder for the bottom input */
/** Enable multiline on the bottom input */
You can try the example project by installing the dependencies into the package folder, and then running the project.
React Native Chattify is licensed under The MIT License.
This project has been built and is maintained by Cruzor Blade, or Sonkeng Mbogning.