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Software to find preimages of reduced SHA-1 using SAT solvers


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Software developed and provided by Alessandro De Piccoli

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: University of Milan and Technology Innovation Institute of Abu Dhabi

Research project: "Algebraic analysis of HMAC-SHA-1"

Main supervisors/point of contacts: Andrea Visconti (University of Milan), Emanuele Bellini (Technology Innovation Institute of Abu Dhabi)


Software requested to completely enjoy Shanatomy:

  1. Python3 (in /usr/lib/python3 by default, if it has a different path, change accordingly Makefile);
  2. Sympy, a Python module to perform algebraic manipulations;
  3. CryptoMiniSat, a SAT solver with xor extension or any other SAT solver able to output model in DIMACS standard;

Before venturing into the code, it is suggested to read this guide without skipping parts.

A bit of documentation (optional)

In order to make clear how the software is designed, there are docstrings for some functions in the main module, You can build the documentation by simply run the following command.

pydoc3 -w bitpy

This will generate a file called bitpy.html from which you can understand the background philosophy of Shanatomy.

Building the system

Once being in the Shanatomy directory, type


to have the correct tree and, additionally, a basic test to prove that the system generated is a correct SHA-1. If all is ok, type

make finalize

to have the complete setup to mount a preimage attack.

Mount a preimage attack to SHA-1

Remark: consider that the implemented attack uses a digest coming from strings, so, it is a second preimage attack. But, if we are given only a SHA-1 digest without knowing the input, second preimage attack is equivalent to a first preimage attack from an implementation point of view.

Go in Shanatomy directory.

  1. python3 32 19 000 440 <file>

<file> is either structures/sha_1_cnf.txt or structures/sha_1_total_cnf.txt. Please note that the former will produce a CNF form with XOR extension for CryptoMiniSat solver, the latter a CNF form of SHA-1 totally compliant to DIMACS standard. The arguments mean that you want to attack a 32-bit SHA-1, round 19 of message 000 (set by default to Chiara), using 440 bits free.

You're ready to run

  1. time cryptominisat5 --verb 0 temp/to_solve_000.cnf > temp/preimage_000.txt

or changing cryptominisat5 with your favourite SAT solver. If the solver can generate a model and this is compliant to the DIMACS standard, check whether temp/preimage_000.txt contains lines starting with v. If so, you can go on.

You can now run

  1. python3 32 000

in order to write the preimage found by the SAT solver in the compliant format for Shanatomy.

By running

  1. python3 32 1 ./temp/preimage_000.txt 001

the map files are obtained and are assigned id 001 (check maps directory).

You can now check the correctness of the preimage by checking the digest at round 19 using following commands

  1. sed -ne 20p maps/states_000.txt

  2. sed -ne 20p maps/states_001.txt

and seeing the correct match. Moreover, you can open the maps/block_001.txt to see the pre-image found by the SAT solver.

Mount a preimage attack to a chosen string

You have just to generate the maps for the chosen string. Say that you want to attack Elena string. Run

python3 32 0 Elena 010

and this will create maps/states_010.txt, the indispensable file to mount the attack. Now go back to the point 0 of previous section and replace each occurence of 000 with 010. In general, the recommended format for id of maps is three digits, i.e., [0-9]{3}.

Pay attention, do not overwrite maps files if you want to see the match. Especially in point 3 of the previous section the last system argument has to be different from the one used in attack.

More blocks

SHA-1 could perform its computation over many blocks and, in this perspective it could be run the following command.

python3 32 2

It will print a request for test. Please note that they are allowed only 2 chars: y or n, any other char will prompt an error message. By choosing n, the process will exit saving in a file the SHA-1 system on multiple blocks. By choosing y, you will have to enter a string compliant to the specifications printed. If it is all ok, it will be printed the SHA-1 digest of your string.


Shanatomy can also construct the general system for HMAC-SHA-1. It's only an experimental feature, but it could be checked that

python3 32 Chiara Ingegnere


echo -n "Chiara" | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac "Ingegnere"

return the same output. "Chiara" is the value and "Ingegnere" is the key. They can be changed, but please note that the code can only support values no longer than 55 chars and keys no longer than 64 chars (i.e. 512 bits).


In order to give some informations about boolean or algebraic systems (see below SHA-1 over GF(2)), it has been written the module. You have to give its one system argument, i.e., the path of the file you want to analyze. If you have read and followed all the guide, you have now, e.g., structures/sha_1_cnf.txt or structures/sha_1_total_cnf.txt and you can test them. For example, try to type following command.

python3 structures/sha_1_total_cnf.txt

SHA-1 over GF(2)

It is well known that we can represent SHA-1 as a system of equation over GF(2). For this purpose, we have tailored an handmade system for SHA-1, you can find it in the file sha_1_gf2.txt. It is projected just for one block message. You can test it to verify that it is the correct SHA-1 system by running

python3 sha_1_gf2.txt Chiara

and obtain the SHA-1 digest to check with your favourite SHA-1 calculator. Replace 'Chiara' with the string you want to test.

Beside this we have some scripts.

  1. can definitely separate the quadratic part of SHA-1 system by introducing new variables. Returned system will be stored in structures/gf2 directory.
  2. can cut the separated system in clever way, obtaining just first x round. Give the desired number of rounds as a system argument.
  3. can translate the representation over GF(2) in the Shanatomy standard.


Software to find preimages of reduced SHA-1 using SAT solvers







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