Releases: Cubix-Dev/SNext
Version 0.1.1
Finally no more installing the console. Simply open up your respectable release and follow the instructions in (In the games folder) to install your games.
Full Changelog: v0.1.0-public...v0.1.1-public
MacOS Users still need to build or use wine.
Do not remove the executable file from its root folder. This will cause a ton of errors beyond our ability to fix.
Build Instructions
Make sure you have npm on your system! Its needed for the installer to work.
- Get your games from the eShop (Not yet intergrated into the main ui fully)
- Add it to the games folder in src
- in the index.html find the games div tag and this html code
<div id="game" style="width: 150px; height: 175px; display: inline-block; margin-left: 20px;" data-number="1">
<img src="Image Link" style="width: 150px; height: 150px;" id="ID">
<p id="gameName" style="font-family: 'Segoe UI Bold'; font-size: 15px; text-align: center; margin-top: -3px">Game Name</p>
Image Link: Link of the Image
ID: gameIcon and a number. (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!) ex. gameIcon1
Game Name: The Name of the game
4. in renderer.js add this js code to the handleGameLoading function (its the last one)
document.getElementById('ID').addEventListener("click", event => {
// temp
ID: The id you made earlier
myGame: the name of the game
5. run the installer script (install.bat on windows and on linux or macOS)
Ship - Organiser, Project Manager, Front-End Scripter
TeleKiwi - Backend Scripter, Front-End Scripter, Concepts, Game Design, Module Creation
blue - Backend Scripter, API Creation
Yes - Website Creation, Front-End Scripter
Kaylerr - Developer Extensions, Back-End scripter, pretty much a little bit of everything
Electro - Backend Scripter
RelicStar, Romadillo, darismmj - Music, Front End Scripting
Create a new Issue here
First build of SNext. Very early and rough around the edges but we plan to fix that as we continue.
Build Instructions
Make sure you have npm on your system! Its needed for the installer to work.
- Get your games from the eShop (Not yet intergrated into the main ui fully)
- Add it to the games folder in src
- in the index.html find the games div tag and this html code
<div id="game" style="width: 150px; height: 175px; display: inline-block; margin-left: 20px;" data-number="1">
<img src="Image Link" style="width: 150px; height: 150px;" id="ID">
<p id="gameName" style="font-family: 'Segoe UI Bold'; font-size: 15px; text-align: center; margin-top: -3px">Game Name</p>
Image Link: Link of the Image
ID: gameIcon and a number. (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!) ex. gameIcon1
Game Name: The Name of the game
4. in renderer.js add this js code to the handleGameLoading function (its the last one)
document.getElementById('ID').addEventListener("click", event => {
// temp
ID: The id you made earlier
myGame: the name of the game
5. run the installer script (install.bat on windows and on linux or macOS)
Ship - Organiser, Project Manager, Front-End Scripter
TeleKiwi - Backend Scripter, Front-End Scripter, Concepts, Game Design, Module Creation
blue - Backend Scripter, API Creation
Yes - Website Creation, Front-End Scripter
Kaylerr - Developer Extensions, Back-End scripter, pretty much a little bit of everything
Electro - Backend Scripter
RelicStar, Romadillo, darismmj - Music, Front End Scripting
Create a new Issue here
Developer Beta 0.0.1 - First release!!
First SNext Dev Build
Known issues:
- The windows buttons do not work. To close SNext, use Task Manager.
- You cannot isolate snext.exe from the folder it is in. The folder snext.exe is in should include a folder called resources.
- Nothing has been implemented yet