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An upgrade of the chat system in Trove, with more features and alot more customization and code improvements.


  • Config file for easy customization
  • Chat tabs for whispers
  • Aliases for commands
  • More chat commands, you can see them with /help


  1. Go to the releases
  2. Install the version you want, some have more features than others and install the config file (can be used without the config file)
  3. Place the BetterChat.tmod on the mods folder and the BetterChat.cfg in %appdata%/Trove/ModCfgs


The mod has a config file that allows you to change some of the things:

w = 400 # between 200 and 500
h = 250 # between 100 and 700
h_expanded = 350 # between 100 and 700
sound_whisper = Play_ui_forge_use
sound_timer = Play_pvp_ui_match_start
max_messages = 150 # between 10 and 1000
text_size = 13 # between 8 and 16
timestamp_fmt = HH:MM:SS # HH - hours, MM - minutes, SS - seconds
ignore_channel_swap = 0 # 1/0 (disables/enables the channel swap tab feature)
aliases = fx0:fxenable 0,fx1:fxenable 1 # alias:command,alias:command,...
blacklisted = # word1,word2,... ("TROVE     FLUX . COM" will also get detected)
party = # name1,name2,... (names that will be colored with the party color)
party_color = 0x222222 # color in hex
party_color_alpha = 0.45 # between 0 and 1
close_btn_color = 0xFE014C # color in hex
clear_btn_color = 0xFE014C # color in hex
invite_btn_color = 0x50DB66 # color in hex
party_item_1_color = 0x161616 # color in hex
party_item_2_color = 0x222222 # color in hex
chat_color = 0x303030 # color in hex
chat_color_alpha = 0.5 # between 0 and 1
chat_item_1_color = 0x0C0C0C # color in hex
chat_item_2_color = 0x1C1C1C # color in hex
timestamp_bg_color = 0x222222 # color in hex
tab_color = 0x1C1C1C # color in hex
tab_notification_color = 0xFE014C # color in hex
input_bg_color = 0x1C1C1C # color in hex
input_bg_color_alpha = 0.85 # between 0 and 1
scrollbar_color = 0x1C1C1C # color in hex
scrollbar_color_alpha = 0.85 # between 0 and 1
menu_bg_color = 0x222222 # color in hex
menu_bg_alpha = 0.85 # between 0 and 1
menu_btn_normal_color = 0x1C1C1C # color in hex
menu_btn_ignore_color = 0xFE014C # color in hex
menu_btn_alpha = 0.65 # between 0 and 1
timer_color = 0xFE014C # color in hex
repeated_message_color = 0xD3D3D3 # color in hex
cmd_header_color = 0x457B9D # color in hex
mod_message_default_color = 0xA8DADC # color in hex


  • Geoflay, for helping with the config file
  • TheSymbols Chat Mod (Edited by Sqze & Axodius), for inspiring me for some features
  • Irradiant, for feedback, testing and some feature ideas
  • smellyalater, feature ideas and feedback