A polymer component that provides a declarative way to drop in a fuzzy name matcher based on a cerca index using ngrams and custom scoring/sorting designed to provide results for typeahead.
To see the events, attributes, and methods of the glg-name-match polymer component, take a look at the literate coffeescript source files.
v1.x Use with Polymer 0.5 (beta)
*v2.x Use with Polymer 1.0
Include the glg-name-match polymer component in your package.json.
Import the glg-name-match.html in your HTML.
<link rel="import" href="node_modules/glg-name-match/src/glg-name-match.html">
Using the glg-name-match polymer component of course presumes that the browsers in use will support:
- custom elements
- HTML imports
- templates
- shadow dom
If older browsers need to be supported, you should include the webcomponents polyfill in your HTML.
<script src="node_modules/webcomponents.js/webcomponents.js"></script>