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File metadata and controls

194 lines (163 loc) · 8.56 KB


Sabre is a lightweight sound driver for NES homebrew projects, compatible with FamiTracker TXT export data.

Written for ASM6 / ASM6F and CA65 assemblers.


  • Note range: A0 - B7
  • Note cuts
  • Speed and tempo
  • All 5 2A03 channels supported for music (Pulse 1, Pulse 2, Triangle, Noise, DMC)
  • SFX can use up to 4 channels at once (Pulse 1, Pulse 2, Triangle, Noise)
  • Volume, arpeggio (absolute), pitch (relative), and duty envelopes supported for instruments
  • Loop points for all supported envelope types
  • BXX for arbitrary loop points
  • C00 for non-looping tracks
  • D00 for variable pattern length
  • FXX for variable playback rate
  • ZXX for setting DMC line level ($4011)
  • 63 instruments (255 unique envelopes total)
  • 256 tracks
  • 256 SFX
  • 128 patterns per track
  • 1 pattern per SFX
  • NTSC, PAL, and Dendy tempo & period adjustments
  • Linear counter trill for Triangle channel


  • 1753 bytes ROM
  • 42 bytes ZP RAM
  • 121 bytes non-ZP RAM

Usage Notes:

  • Assign DPCM samples to 1 instrument only
  • No DPCM for SFX
  • No envelopes larger than size 254
  • No Hi-Pitch envelopes
  • No Release points for envelopes
  • Pitch envelopes have no effect on Noise channel
  • Non-looping Pitch envelopes should end with 0
  • Do not expand effect columns to more than 1 effect per channel
  • BXX, C00, and D00 should only be placed in the first active channel (left -> right)
  • FXX and ZXX will be clobbered by BXX, C00, or D00 on the same row
  • Enable Triangle linear counter trill effect by using volume values 1 - 3 in volume envelope.

Sabre Replayer Controls:

  • D-Pad L/R: Change track index
  • D-Pad L/R (Holding B): Change SFX index
  • D-Pad U/D: Change selected 2A03 channel
  • Select: Stop/restart current track
  • Start: Pause/unpause current track
  • B: Play current SFX index
  • A: Mute/unmute selected 2A03 channel

FamiTracker Usage Guide:

  • Add tracks and SFX through Module -> Module Properties -> Add.
  • To append a track to a seperate bank file, put a 2-digit prefix of the PRG bank number before the track name. (Example: 0B_testSong0 for PRG bank $0B)
  • SFX must have a prefix of sfx_ before their name.
  • Only use alphanumeric characters in instrument, track, and SFX names.
  • Export as FT TXT through File -> Export Text.

Converting with

You must have Python 3.7 or above installed in order to execute the module.

Drag your exported FT TXT file to

Alternatively, you can run via the command line / terminal.

python3 {filename}.txt {title}

Replace {filename} with the name of your exported FT txt file

(Optional) Replace {title} to use a different prefix than {filename} for your output files.

The exported assembly should be valid for both ASM6 and CA65.

If no files are created, there was likely a runtime error. Running via the command line / terminal can help list any errors that occur.

Converted Music Data Files:

  • {filename}_static.asm: Include alongside sabre.asm. Contains LUTs, instruments, and SFX.
  • {filename}_dpcm.asm: If this file is generated, include in a static PRG bank at $C000-$FFFF. Contains DPCM sample data.
  • {filename}_{bankNo.}.asm: Include in the corresponding PRG bank where you want your track data to be stored. Contains track data.

Including Your Music Data in the Sabre Replayer:

  • {filename}_static.asm: Include in UNROM_Bank07_static.asm.
  • {filename}_dpcm.asm: If this file is generated, include in UNROM_Bank07_static.asm.
  • {filename}_{bankNo.}.asm: Include in the corresponding UNROM_Bank file in the BankData folder. (Default bank is $00.)

Build Flags in sabre_includes.asm:

  • UNOFFICIAL_OPS: Enables use of unofficial CPU opcodes in the Sabre driver for slightly better performance. (AXS {#imm}, DCP {abs,y}, and LAX {zp}) May break compatibility with certain emulators and famiclones.
  • BANKSWITCH_TRACKS: Used by the Sabre replayer and driver to bankswitch each track's corresponding PRG bank.
  • SFX_FLUSH: Enable to completely flush old SFX channels when new SFX plays. Disable to keep untouched old SFX channels playing (EXPERIMENTAL! Old SFX will play at new SFX Speed and Tempo).
  • LINEAR_COUNTER_TRILL: Enables Linear Counter trill behavior on the Triangle channel. (Using volume values 1-3)
  • MANUALLY_CLOCK_APU: Enable to manually clock the APU Frame Counter before updating APU registers.
  • ADJ_REGION_TEMPO_TRACK: Enables tempo adjustment for music between NTSC, PAL, and Dendy regions.
  • ADJ_REGION_TEMPO_SFX: Enables tempo adjustment for SFX between NTSC, PAL, and Dendy regions.

Composing Tips for Reducing Data Size:

  • Write channel patterns in ways which you can reuse them often.
  • Reuse instrument envelopes often.
  • Space out notes in ways that correspond to the common note lengths in sabre_includes.asm. (Example: NL4 = Next note in 4 rows)
  • Contiguous notes with the same note length do not use redundant data.
  • Contiguous notes with the same instrument do not use redundant data.
  • Contiguous notes with the same note period do not use redundant data. (Exception: Following change in note length or FT effect)

Using Sabre in Your Project:


In your program's initialization, store your desired region value into soundRegion, and then call sabre_initAPU.

STA soundRegion 
JSR sabre_initAPU

These region values are designed to line up with the values generated by this region detection routine.


Once per frame, you must call sabre_soundUpdate. It's recommended, if possible, you do this near the end of your NMI routine so that lag frames won't affect music playback.

JSR sabre_soundUpdate

Bankswitching Tracks:

If you have tracks in multiple PRG banks and can freely access Sabre during bankswitching, load currentTrackPRGbank and use your bankswitch routine to swap in that bank before calling sabre_soundUpdate.

Don't forget to swap the original PRG bank back in after the sound update!

Replace the default UNROM bankswitch subroutine call (located in the sabre_playTrack subroutine of the sabre.asm file) with your own bankswitch routine:

   ;;;; Custom bankswitch here!
   	JSR UNROM_bankswitchNoSave

Depending on your setup, you may need to swap in the previous PRG bank near the end of the sabre_playTrack subroutine:

   ;;;; Custom return bankswitch here, if needed

If you keep the BANKSWITCH_TRACKS build flag, ensure that it is enabled in sabre_includes.asm.

If Not Bankswitching Tracks:

If you are not bankswitching tracks, either disable the BANKSWITCH_TRACKS build flag, or delete the default UNROM bankswitch section in the sabre_playTrack subroutine.

Playing Tracks and SFX:

Your exported {filename}_static.asm file will contain a set of constants for each track and SFX index.

To play a track, store one of these constant track values into currentTrack. Calling sabre_playTrack will play the current track index stored in currentTrack:

LDA #_default_track0
STA currentTrack 
;; ...
JSR sabre_playTrack

To play SFX, store one of these constant SFX values into currentSFX. Calling sabre_playSFX will play the current SFX index stored in currentSFX:

LDA #_sfx_sfx0
STA currentSFX
;; ...
JSR sabre_playSFX

To stop music playback, call sabre_stopTrack:

JSR sabre_stopTrack 

To pause music playback, call sabre_pauseTrack. Call sabre_pauseTrack again to unpause:

JSR sabre_pauseTrack 

To mute specific channels for music or SFX playback, write #$00 to the corresponding channelMuteStatus variable:

LDA #$00

To unmute these channels, write #$FF to the corresponding channelMuteStatus variable instead:


All of these channel number constants can be found in sabre_includes.asm.