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Docker Your Xyzzy


Get your Xyzzy on: docker pull

What is Docker Your Xyzzy?

This is a containerized build of the Pretend You're Xyzzy Cards Against Humanity clone.


The PYX project can be used in Docker format for development, outputting the built files, or running in production.

The prebuilt tag is an image that already has built pxy war file but offers no customization. It is quicker to deploy.

The on-demand tag is an image that contains the tools to build the pxy war file. Takes longer to deploy but is smaller and offers customization.

Run with Docker-Compose (fastest)


An example stack of PYX with a Postgres database and an Ngrok tunnel can be found in examples/ngrok/docker-compose.yml:

Once the containers are running, you can:


An example stack of PYX with a Postgres database and an cloudflared tunnel can be found in example/cloudflare/docker-compose.yml

Requires having a tunnel created and configured. Guide

Run Prebuilt Container

Keep the container up with SQLite and war:exploded jetty:run:

docker run -d \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  --name pyx-dev \

# Visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser
# Or, start a bash session within the container:
docker exec -it pyx-dev bash

Run With Overrides

Settings in can be modified by passing them in the container CMD:

docker run -d \
  -p 8080:8080 \ \
  mvn clean package war:war \
    -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 \
    -Dmaven.buildNumber.doCheck=false \
    -Dmaven.buildNumber.doUpdate=false \

Also are able to do more complex overrides by making a copy of and mounting that in overrides.

docker run -d \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v $(pwd)/ \


This project can be built and run by any of the 2 following methods: CLI docker build commands, CLI docker buildx bake commands.

Build with docker build

# Build pre-built image
docker build --target pre-built -t pyx .
# Build on-demand image
docker build --target on-demand -t pyx .

Build via docker buildx bake

Requires Buildx

Bake target can be found in docker-bake.hcl:

# Build pre-built image
docker buildx bake pre-built
# Build on-demand image
docker buildx bake on-demand


  • Figure out how to run :latest properly with a Postgres db
  • Import & run sql files if specified for the Postgres db
  • Buildtime config customization via Maven flags
  • Runtime config customization via Maven flags
  • Fetch GeoIP database in


  • Versioning and tagging isn't done well here because Pretend You're Xyzzy doesn't seem to tag or version.




  • Dockerfile 50.8%
  • HCL 31.8%
  • Shell 17.4%