Implementation of the Tucows interview exercise
Utilizes containerized versions of postgres and rabbitMQ running locally
go version 1.20+
in the root of this repo, run docker compose up
in another terminal, navigate to cmd/ordermanagement
go run main.go
in another terminal, navigate to cmd/paymentprocessor
go run main.go
http request examples are in http.requests
unit tests: go test ./...
integration tests: run docker compose up
if not already started, go test --tags=integration ./...
More dependencies could be injected (the http client on messageProcessor being one)
Messageprocessor, once refactored, needs unit tests
Observability and logging are very minimal right now
Production hardening definitely necessary, currently lots of security problems since it was written as a minimalistic proof-of-concept style
Needs to be configurable instead of hardcoded connection strings, ports, etc.
Error handling currently exists in several different styles. This should be unified.
Middleware could be utilized to clean up some duplication
Could make docker containers for go binaries and add those to the docker compose file.
Implement some github actions for quality gates (code coverage, run tests, etc)