- About the Project
- Game Rules
- Pre-requisites
- Installation
- Built With
- License
- Authors
- Contributing
- License
Recreation of the classic TicTacToe game
- The game is play on a grid that is 3x3 squares
- Player 1 (you) has the token "X" and Player two (your friend) has the token "O"
- Player takes turns putting their tokens in the empty cells in the grid
- first player to get three of his/her in row (upper, middle , or bottom) or columns(left, center, right) or the diagonals (across or the leading diagonal) is the winner
- when all the 9 cells are filled and there is no winner the game is considered a draw.
- Make sure you have ruby installed on your computer
- gem install bundler =>gem file to manage ruby gems
- A terminal bash for linux or cmd for windows
- on the search function of your computer type "cmd" to open a terminal
- on the terminal run the following commands:
- "bundle install" for easy management of gems files
- Git clone(download) the project by running "git clone https://github.com/Cyrus-Kiprop/tic-tac-toe-OOP"
- cd into the project folder
- Run bundle install
- cd into bin "cd ./bin"
- make the main file executable on linux, windows or run "ruby main"
- Enjoy the GAME!!
This project was built using Ruby.
👤 Alexis Sanchez
- Github: Alexis Sanchez
- Twitter: Alexis Sanchez
- Linkedin: Alexis Sanchez
👤 Cyrus Kiprop
- Github: Cyrus-Kiprop
- Twitter: @kipropJS
- Linkedin: Cyrus Kiprop
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.