This repository contains a version of the Flightgear Aircraft Boeing 777 including an improved CDU. The repository is based on the Flightgear 3.0 aircraft 777 version 20140216.
This repository contains some improvements of the Control Display Unit (CDU). Beside refactorings to make extensions easier the following features have been added:
- It is now possible to set the radials for both VORs.
- A LSK button to switch VOR1 and VOR2 has been added to make VOR-navigation easier.
- Pagination (next/prev page) has been implemented to allow manipulation of long routes.
- Jump-To waypoint by selecting a waypoint and pressing the EXEC button.
The HOLD page has been added and it is fully functional.
The DEP page allows selection of departure runway and SID. Support for transmissions is currently not yet implemented.
The ARR page allows selection of destination runway, approach and STAR. Transitions are not yet implemented.