Welcome to the DADSim team. The DADSim is the abbreviation of Distributed Autonomous Driving Simulator, which is designed as a modular, distributed autonomous driving simulator with the following features:
- Modularity: DADSim is crafted as a set of packages running on ROS2, with each functionality provided by one or more nodes that can be tailored as needed.
- Distribution: Agents are positioned on an equal footing, distributed as ROS nodes.
- Clock Synchronization: A centralized time server is responsible for disseminating simulation time. The time promise/fulfillment mechanism ensures the synchronization of node clocks and patiently waits for slower nodes to complete computations when necessary.
- Time server and promise/fulfillment mechanism.
- Map server and API based on OpenDRIVE 1.4 (only road and junctions are supported yet).
- Object manager for range looking up and collision detection.
- Simple RViz visualization.
- (In the future) 3D rendering and sensor support.