This is a repository for (bacon bits > histograms > limits) common to DAZSLE analyses, i.e. an attempt to consolidate the divergent branches of ZPrimePlusJet. No analysis-specific code should be added.
- Class BaconTree: TTree:MakeSelector()s for bacon bits
- Derived class BaconData adds some useful functions, like selecting the jet of interest and computing N2DDT.
- Class HistogramManager: utility class for managing histograms.
- python/rhalphabet: original rhalphabet code from 2016 H(bb) analysis
- python/combine_helper: python package for constructing Rhalphabet datacards (based on original rhalphabet code, intended for better flexibility with multiple SRs)
- python/analyzer:
- Class AnalysisBase: defines an interface for bacon -> histograms step.
- Class Cutflow: base class for EventSelector, defining cutflow and N-1 histogram functionality.
- Class EventSelector: class for performing a sequence of event-level cuts on BaconData. (Cuts are added with decorators, see for an example)
- python/ cross sections of MC samples
- python/seaborn_colors: provides colors from the Seaborn module.
- data/SimpleN2DDT: 3D histograms (N2 vs pt vs rho) from QCD MC for computing simple N2DDT on the fly
- Cristina's new N2DDT code
- N2/double b-tag/mass scale factor code? This might be worth its own repository.