- attach files to model record
- widget for model view
- install https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload?source=c
- install https://github.com/DBRisinajumi/d2files.git
php composer.phar require dbrisinajumi/d2files dev-master
- add to config/main.php
'import' => array(
'vendor.dbrisinajumi.d2files.widgets.*', // shared classes
'modules' => array(
'd2files' => array(
'class' => 'vendor.dbrisinajumi.d2files.D2filesModule',
'upload_dir' => 'root.upload',
'accept_file_types' => '/\.(gif|pdf|dat|jpe?g|png|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|htm)$/i',
//automaticly registre tasks, when upload files to model
// d2person.PprsPerson, if user role is Agent or Client
'registre_tasks_to_models' => array(
'd2person.PprsPerson' => array(
'new_project_status' => 1, //Not started
'task_init_status' => 1, //Active
'task_due_in_days' => 3,
'user_roles' => array('Agent','Client'),
'shareable_by_link' => [
'my_module.my_model' => [
'allow_ip' => [
'salt' => '1212133243243',
- to config/console.php under commandMap add
'd2files' => 'vendor.dbrisinajumi.d2files.migrations',
- execute yiic migration
- in table d2files can define file types for model.
'title'=> 'Wiget Title',
'icon' => false,
'hideTitle' => false,
'readOnly' => false,
'showImagesTypes' => '/\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$/i'
- To upload file user must have "ModuleName.ModelName.uploadD2File" access rights for caller module
- To delete file user must have "ModuleName.ModelName.deleteD2File" access rights for caller module
- To download, upload or delete file user must have read access to corresponding item it is attached to and "ModuleName.ModelName.downloadD2File"
INSERT INTO `authitem`
(`name`, `type`, `description`, `bizrule`, `data`)
('D2company.CcmpCompany.uploadD2File','0','D2company.CcmpCompany upolad D2Files',NULL,'N;'),
('D2company.CcmpCompany.downloadD2File','0','D2company.CcmpCompany downloas D2Files',NULL,'N;'),
('D2company.CcmpCompany.deleteD2File','0','D2company.CcmpCompany delete D2Files',NULL,'N;')
INSERT INTO `authitemchild` (`parent`, `child`) VALUES ('Agent', 'D2company.CcmpCompany.uploadD2File');
INSERT INTO `authitemchild` (`parent`, `child`) VALUES ('Agent', 'D2company.CcmpCompany.downloadD2File');
INSERT INTO `authitemchild` (`parent`, `child`) VALUES ('Agent', 'D2company.CcmpCompany.deleteD2File');