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Releases: DCAN-Labs/ExecutiveSummary

bugfix: error due to "ls -d" returning timeseries filenames instead of dirnames only

02 Aug 22:04
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change "ls -d" command to ensure it gets only task-run dirnames, without also getting timeseries filenames from the Results dir. Fixes an error which occured when the first result returned by ls -d was not a task-run directory.

Fix: atlas used for Altas-in-T1 and T1-in-Atlas was incorrect

29 Jul 06:27
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When the atlas is supplied via, it is now passed in to the pre-processing script correctly. The default atlas has been replaced and is correct for adult subjects.

Issue #12 fix (task image creation error on subjects w/o T2w)

27 Jul 00:48
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Now skips T2w task image creation for subjects w/o T2w, preventing an error from occurring.

HOTFIX: atlas argument fix

16 Jul 03:33
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Atlas argument was not being passed along in some circumstances.

Executive Summary fix for daic2hcp

09 Mar 23:10
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daic2hcp didn't have the task-* folders at the top level of the "output" folder. They did exist however in the MNINonLinear/Results folder. Since that is consistent across pipelines we can use it for both.

Fix: Executive Summary was not finding pngs after changes in anat-only.

10 Jun 18:59
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Fix: needed to find pngs after anat-only changes.

Fix: None is a string when applied to session id.

18 Feb 17:36
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Handling "None" passed withing Python 3 is tricky. If we do not specify the arg at all, it properly assigns the None object. But if we try to pass a None object, it passes it as a string, "None", which is very different. So, to handle paths, needed to check each object passed in for a value of "None". However, in the case of session ids, the string passed in is sometimes equal to "None" and that is a valid session id. The problem is, since Python is not passing a None object, there is no way to know if we are receiving a string containing "None" because it was a string in the caller or a string containing "None" because it was a None object in the caller. I contend this is a bug in Python. Regardless, I need to handle the session Id as if it were a string containing "None".

Executive summary should handle None for optional directories.

14 Feb 23:25
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When processing anatomy-only subjects (no rest or other task data), pass None for the path to the BIDS functional input, and for the path to the output of such data (usually summary_DCANBoldProc...). In both cases, Executive Summary needs to handle the situation gracefully and process the data it is able to process.

Fixes to placeholders, permissions.

07 Jan 17:27
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Placeholders were the wrong shapes for new layout. Now use html to ma…

New layout

19 Nov 23:14
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Layout the 9 slices in rows rather than blocks, so that the same slice in 2 views are next to (vertically) each other.