Doodle Notes is an Android app that allows users to create and manage notes with two unique input methods: a rich text editor and a drawing interface. The app features an intuitive home screen, a heart-shaped add notes button, and a drag-and-drop feature to delete notes.
- 🏠 Home Page: Displays all created notes.
- 🔎 Search Bar: Searched for the Notes.
- ❤️ Add Notes Button: A heart-shaped button to add new notes.
- 🗑️ Drag and Drop to Delete: Easily delete notes by dragging them to a delete area.
- 📝 Add/Edit Notes:
- 🔖 Mandatory Title: Each note requires a title.
- 🖋️ Rich Text Editor: Input text using a rich text editor (integrated with a third-party library).
- 🎨 Drawing Input: Create notes by drawing with pointer input.
- 🌈 Colorful and Easy to Navigate UI: Enjoy a vibrant and user-friendly interface.
Home Search Add/Edit Delete
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Build and run the app on an Android device or emulator.
- Launch the app to see the home screen with your notes.
- Tap the heart-shaped add notes button to create a new note.
- In the add/edit screen, input a mandatory title.
- Choose between the rich text editor and drawing input to create your note.
- Save the note to see it displayed on the home screen.
- To delete a note, drag it to the delete area.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request for any changes.
For any inquiries, please contact Raj Aryan Jain.