The pipeline is written in NextFlow. It uses the following programs:
- fastp (
- bwa mem (
- rnaSPAdes (
- rnaQUAST (
- BLAT (
- samtools (
Use docker for running the pipeline
- FastQC before
- Raw data filtering and trimming using fastp
- FastQC after
- Map reads after QC to reference genome to get basic mapping stats
- Assemble transcriptome with rnaSPAdes
- Assess assembly with rnaQUAST with BUSCO
To run the pipeline you will first need to create a docker image. You can create the image by downloading Dockerfile
and config.ini
files and placing them in one directory. Then, build the image with:
docker image build -t rnaseq-docker .
After that, you can run the pipeline using
nextflow run
All the parameters used in the scrips have defauls, but they can be customised using the following flags
--raw_reads - path to raw reads location (default: "./")
--gff - path to .gff file for bwamem (default: "./bwa_reference/reference.gff3")
--bwa_fasta - path to FASTA-format file for bwamem (default: "./bwa_reference/reference.fna")
--fastqc_pre_fastp_outputdir - path to pre-fastp fastQC output (default: "./output/fastqc_pre")
--fastp_outputdir - path to fastp output (default: "./output/fastp")
--fastqc_post_fastp_outputdir - path to post-fastp fastQC output (default: "./output/fastqc_post_fastp")
--bwamem_outputdir - path to bwamem output (default: "./output/bwamem_alignments")
--bwamem_index - path to bwamem-index output (default: "./output/bwamem_index")
--spades_outputdir - path to rnaSPAdes output (default: "./output/spades")
--rnaQUAST_outdir - path to rnaQUAST output (default: "./output/rnaQUAST")
--transcripts - path to transcripts extracted from rnaSPAdes output (default: "./output/transcripts")
Karol Ciuchcinski (@Haelmorn) & Mikolaj Dziurzynski (@mdziurzynski)
The software in this repository is put under an MIT licensing scheme - please see the [LICENSE] ( file for more details.