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Docker Feed is a simple and convenient tool for handling deployment of docker compose files to a Swarm environment. By convention, it locates all stacks to deploy on a JFrog feed with every stack following a docker-compose filename pattern of `docker-compose.<STACK_NAME>.<VERSION>.yml`.


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Docker Feed

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Docker Feed is a simple and convenient tool for handling deployment of docker compose files to a Swarm environment. By convention, it locates all stacks to deploy on a JFrog feed with every stack following a docker-compose filename pattern of docker-compose.stack-name.1.0.0.yml, thus this filename convention:

  • docker-compose.<STACK_NAME>.<VERSION>.yml
  • Note! The stack name can only contain alphabetic letters and -/_ signs.

Additionally, the Swarm probably needs to initialize some infrastructure before any stacks are deployed. This is handled by defining a file with details about which configs, secrets, volumes or networks to create. By convention, the DockerFeed tool will automatically detect the file if it exists in the current folder. Please have a look at the SwarmManagement project to get more details, but following is an example on how the content could look like:

        encrypted: true
    <config_name>: <config_file>
    <secret_name>: <secret_file>
        driver: local
    - <environment_file>

To map which stacks fits with each other, we introduce the docker-compose-module artifact. The docker-compose-module artifact follows a filename pattern of docker-compose-module.module-name.1.0.0.yml, thus this filename convention:

  • docker-compose-module.<MODULE_NAME>.<VERSION>.yml
  • Note! The module name can only contain alphabetic letters and -/_ signs.

The docker-compose-module artifact is a yaml file with this type of content:

      - batch>=1.0.0
      - nginx>=1.0.0

The run section of the module is a list of stacks to run as batch processes before deploying the stacks in the deploy section.

An example on how to use DockerFeed is found in the ./Example folder.

Install Or Upgrade

  • pip install --upgrade DockerFeed



The Docker Feed tool is available as the command line tool dockerf. Handle the docker feed by adding any of the following commands with zero or more stacks to handle. Prefix any of the following actions with the module argument to handle docker-compose-module deployments.

  • init - Initialize Swarm.
  • deploy - Deploy stacks to Swarm.
    • Adding no specific stacks to deploy will result in deploying all stacks.
    • Example: dockerf deploy first-stack second-stack>=1.0.0 third-stack==1.2.3
    • Example with module deployment: dockerf module deploy first-module second-module>=1.0.0
  • rm/remove - Remove stacks from Swarm.
    • Adding no specific stacks to remove will result in removing all stacks.
    • Example: dockerf remove first-stack second-stack
  • ls/list - List stacks on feed.
    • Hint, add search criterias following ls, such as:
    • dockerf ls first-stack second-stack>=1.0.0
  • prune - Remove all stacks.
  • pull - Pull stacks from feed.
  • push - Push docker-compose files to feed.
    • Example: dockerf push docker-compose.first-stack.yml docker-compose.second-stack.yml
  • run - Run stacks as batch processes.
    • Logs from each process is stored in a logs folder in the working directory.
  • verify - Verify that the stacks are properly configured.
    • Following requirements are possible to validate:
      1. Add --verify-image-digests to verify that All images are tagged with an immutable digest.
      2. Add --verify-images to verify that all images are labeled with following labels:
        • org.opencontainers.image.created
        • org.opencontainers.image.authors
        • org.opencontainers.image.revision
        • org.opencontainers.image.version
        • org.opencontainers.image.documentation
        • org.opencontainers.image.title
      3. Additional validation checks are also possible to activate:
        • --verify-no-configs
        • --verify-no-secrets
        • --verify-no-volumes
        • --verify-no-ports
  • Optional arguments:
    • -s/--source to specify feed source. Either uri to jfrog feed, or a local folder with stack files. Default is https://artifacts/delivery-dev.
    • -u/--user to specify user credentials for jfrog as user:password.
    • -t/--token to specify a token for jfrog.
    • --verify-uri to verify the jfrog uri certificate.
    • -e/--env with environment variables to expose as envKey=envValue:
      • dockerf deploy -e key1=variable1 key2=variable2
      • Alternatively, any present .env will be considered as a file with environment variables to expose.
    • -r/--read with a list of files containing stacks to handle, thus each line in the file is the name of a stack to handle.
      • dockerf deploy -r stackList.txt stackList2.txt
    • --output-folder to specify a destination folder for pulling stack files with 'pull'. Default is ./output/.
    • --ignored followed by a list of stacks or modules to ignore.
    • --logs-folder to specify folder for storing log files when executing batch processes with 'run'. Default is './logs'.
    • --no-logs to drop storing log files when executing batch processes with 'run'.
    • --verify-stacks-on-deploy to deploy only valid stacks.
    • --verify-image-digests to validate that image digests are used.
    • --verify-images to validate required labels on images.
    • --verify-no-configs to validate that no Swarm configs are used in stack.
    • --verify-no-secrets to validate that no Swarm secrets are used in stack.
    • --verify-no-volumes to validate that no Swarm volumes are used in stack.
    • --verify-no-ports to validate that no ports are exposed in stack.
    • -i/--infrastructure to specify the path to files for creating the Swarm infrastructure.
    • -c/--cache to specify the cache folder to use for local cache storage of files.
    • -said/--stack-artifact-identifier to specify stack artifact identifier. Default is docker-compose..
    • -maid/--module-artifact-identifier to specify module artifact identifier. Default is docker-compose-module..
    • -h/--help for help:
      • dockerf -h

DockerFeed In Docker

The dipsas/dockerfeed image includes DockerFeed binaries, and makes it possible to push and verify docker-compose charts inside of a container.

Additionally, it is possible to push regular Helm charts to a helm repository.


Push docker-compose chart:

docker run -it -v C:/MyLocalDirectoryTo/charts/:/charts -w /charts dipsas/dockerfeed push docker-compose.stack-name.1.0.0.yml --source https://artifacts/docker-compose-feed

Push helm chart:

docker run -it -v C:/MyLocalDirectoryTo/charts/:/charts -w /charts dipsas/dockerfeed push my-helm-chart-1.0.0.tgz --source https://artifacts/helm-feed



  • pip install twine
  • pip install wheel
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Publish New Version.

  1. Configure with new version.
  2. Build: python bdist_wheel
  3. Check: twine check dist/*
  4. Publish: twine upload dist/*

Run Unit Tests

  • python -m unittest


Docker Feed is a simple and convenient tool for handling deployment of docker compose files to a Swarm environment. By convention, it locates all stacks to deploy on a JFrog feed with every stack following a docker-compose filename pattern of `docker-compose.<STACK_NAME>.<VERSION>.yml`.








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