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Tools to validate and test WDL-based repositories. To be used as part of CI/CD pipelines


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WDL Testing CLI

Note that this tool is not intended to access or manipulate protected health information (PHI). wdl-ci and its corresponding GitHub action should not be configured with a workflow engine that has access to PHI, and PHI should not be used in tests.

wdl-ci provides tools to validate and test workflows and tasks written in Workflow Description Language (WDL). wdl-ci detects changes to workflow tasks and runs tests via DNAstack's Workbench to confirm that the task still produces expected outputs.

When installed as a github action, wdl-ci will run the following steps:

  1. Lint workflows
  2. Detect tasks that have changed
  3. If test inputs/outputs are defined for a changed task, submit a test workflow for each changed task
  4. For successful tests, update task digests in the configuration file. Task digests are used to detect changes to tasks; a digest represents the last state of a task where all tests passed.

If any step of the action fails, the check will fail; however if some task tests succeed, the digests for those tasks will still be updated such that only failing tests will be rerun upon subsequent pushes.

GitHub action usage

- uses: dnastack/wdl-ci@v2.0.0
    # Configuration file where tests can be found
    # Default: wdl-ci.config.json
    config_file: ''

    # DNAstack wallet URL to authenticate with
    # WALLET_URL must be defined in actions secrets
    wallet-url: ${{ secrets.WALLET_URL }}

    # DNAstack wallet client ID
    # WALLET_CLIENT_ID must be defined in actions secrets
    wallet-client-id: ${{ secrets.WALLET_CLIENT_ID }}

    # DNAstack wallet client secret
    # WALLET_CLIENT_SECRET must be defined in actions secrets
    wallet-client-secret: ${{ secrets.WALLET_CLIENT_SECRET }}

    # DNAstack Workbench namespace. This determines which user's Workbench will be
    # responsible for workflow runs. Engines configured in the config-file must be
    # configured in this user's namespace.
    # WORKBENCH_NAMESPACE must be defined in actions secrets
    workbench-namespace: ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_NAMESPACE }}

    # DNAstack Workbench EWES (Extended WES) URL
    # WORKBENCH_EWES_URL must be defined in actions secrets
    workbench-ewes-url: ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_EWES_URL }}

    # DNAstack Workbench workflow service URL
    # WORKBENCH_WORKFLOW_SERVICE_URL must be defined in actions secrets
    workbench-workflow-service-url:  ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_WORKFLOW_SERVICE_URL }}

    # DNAstack Workbench EWES refresh token
    # WORKBENCH_EWES_REFRESH_TOKEN must be defined in actions secrets
    workbench-ewes-refresh-token: ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_EWES_REFRESH_TOKEN }}

    # DNAstack Workbench workflow service refresh token
    # WORKBENHC_WORKFLOW_SERVICE_REFRESH_TOKEN must be defined in actions secrets
    workbench-workflow-service-refresh-token: ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_WORKFLOW_SERVICE_REFRESH_TOKEN }}

    # Directory containing custom test WDLs. If defined, this directory will be searched for
    # WDL test files specified as tests in the config-file prior to searching through tests
    # defined in src/wdlci/wdl_tests
    wdl-ci-custom-test-wdl-dir: ''

    # Suppress lint warnings and errors
    # Useful if you're setting up tests for external workflows that you do not have the ability to fix errors for
    # Default: false (fail the action on unsuppressed warning or error)
    suppress-lint-errors: false


Run on push to non-main/master branches

name: Lint and test workflows
      - '*'
      - '!master'
      - '!main'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          submodules: true
      - name: wdl-ci
        uses: dnastack/wdl-ci@v2.0.0
          wallet-url: ${{ secrets.WALLET_URL }}
          wallet-client-id: ${{ secrets.WALLET_CLIENT_ID }}
          wallet-client-secret: ${{ secrets.WALLET_CLIENT_SECRET }}
          workbench-namespace: ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_NAMESPACE }}
          workbench-ewes-url: ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_EWES_URL }}
          workbench-workflow-service-url:  ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_WORKFLOW_SERVICE_URL }}
          workbench-ewes-refresh-token: ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_EWES_REFRESH_TOKEN }}
          workbench-workflow-service-refresh-token: ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_WORKFLOW_SERVICE_REFRESH_TOKEN }}

Run on pull request

name: Lint and test workflows
on: pull_request
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          submodules: true
          repository: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name }}
          ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}
      - name: wdl-ci
        uses: dnastack/wdl-ci@v2.0.0
          wallet-url: ${{ secrets.WALLET_URL }}
          wallet-client-id: ${{ secrets.WALLET_CLIENT_ID }}
          wallet-client-secret: ${{ secrets.WALLET_CLIENT_SECRET }}
          workbench-namespace: ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_NAMESPACE }}
          workbench-ewes-url: ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_EWES_URL }}
          workbench-workflow-service-url:  ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_WORKFLOW_SERVICE_URL }}
          workbench-ewes-refresh-token: ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_EWES_REFRESH_TOKEN }}
          workbench-workflow-service-refresh-token: ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_WORKFLOW_SERVICE_REFRESH_TOKEN }}

Extend the tests available to wdl-ci

Define the wdl-ci-custom-test-wdl-dir to specify a directory containing custom WDL-based tests; these test tasks may then be used to test workflow tasks. See WDL-based tests for more information on writing custom test tasks. The wdl-ci-custom-test-wdl-dir should refer to a directory that exists in the target repository.

name: Lint and test workflows
on: pull_request
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          submodules: true
          repository: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name }}
          ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}
      - name: wdl-ci
        uses: dnastack/wdl-ci@v2.0.0
          wallet-url: ${{ secrets.WALLET_URL }}
          wallet-client-id: ${{ secrets.WALLET_CLIENT_ID }}
          wallet-client-secret: ${{ secrets.WALLET_CLIENT_SECRET }}
          workbench-namespace: ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_NAMESPACE }}
          workbench-ewes-url: ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_EWES_URL }}
          workbench-workflow-service-url:  ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_WORKFLOW_SERVICE_URL }}
          workbench-ewes-refresh-token: ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_EWES_REFRESH_TOKEN }}
          workbench-workflow-service-refresh-token: ${{ secrets.WORKBENCH_WORKFLOW_SERVICE_REFRESH_TOKEN }}
          wdl-ci-custom-test-wdl-dir: my-custom-test-dir

Configuring and installing the GitHub action

  1. Define secrets on the target repository.

The following secrets must be defined on the target repo (see creating GitHub secrets):

  1. Add the workflow.

Create a workflow.yml file in the target repo at the path .github/workflows/workflow.yml.

See scenarios for example workflow definitions.

  1. Generate a config file.

  2. Fill out tests and engines sections of the config file.

  3. Trigger the action.

Depending on the workflow you have configured, push to a non-main/master branch or open a pull request. Test runs will be triggered for any tasks that have altered digests (when initially adding the config file, this will be all tests, since their digests will be initialized to "") and that have tests defined. Test run status can be monitored on Workbench.

The wdl-ci config file

The configuration file is named wdl-ci.config.json and should be created at the root of the repo where wdl-ci is installed, i.e. the repo that hosts workflow files to be tested.

Generating and updating the config file

Generate a config file: wdl-ci generate-config (using Docker: docker run -v ${PWD}:/usr/test dnastack/wdl-ci:latest generate-config).

This will search through the present working directory for all files with ".wdl" extensions and initialize the wdl-ci configuration file (wdl-ci.config.json). Tests and engines may then be configured by the user. The workflow.task.digest field should not be altered by the user; this field is used to detect task changes and rerun tests where necessary.

Config file structure

  "workflows": {
    "<path/to/workflow.wdl>": {
      "key": "<path/to/workflow.wdl>; autopopulated",
      "tasks": {
        "<task_name>": {
          "key": "<task_name>; autopopulated",
          "digest": "<task_digest>; autopopulated",
          "tests": [
              "inputs": {
                "<input_name>": "<input_value>"
              "output_tests": {
                "<output_name>": {
                  "value": "<output_value>",
                  "test_tasks": [
                    "array of tests to apply to the task"
  "engines": {
    "<engine_id>": {
      "key": "<engine_id>",
      "enabled": "Boolean",
      "name": "Human-readable name for the engine (optional)"
  "test_params": {
    "global_params": {
      "<param_name>": "<param_value>"
    "engine_params": {
      "<engine_id>": {
        "<param_name>": "<param_value>"


The set of workflow files found in the repo.

  • key: The path to the workflow relative to the wdl-ci.config.json file.
  • tasks: An array of the tasks defined in the given workflow file


  • key: The task name
  • digest: Autopopulated; a digest of the contents of the task. Used to determine whether a task has changed and tests should be run. To force a rerun of tests for a task, the digest can be set to the empty string.
  • tests: Sets of validated inputs and outputs to use to run tests on the given task


An array of different input sets and their corresponding validated outupts. Each input/output set can have a different set of tests applied to them; this may be useful if for example you want to ensure your task works across several different sample sets.


Inputs required by the task to be tested. Must define all required inputs to the task. Input values can use parameters defined in test_params.

If an input is a file, the value should be the path to the file on the filesystem corresponding to the engine(s) that have been configured in the engines section. This must be a file that is accessible by the engine.


Outputs from the task to be tested. Not all outputs must be defined or tested. This field is an object containing one entry per output to be tested, where the object key is the name of the output and the value is an object with keys:

  • value: Validated output of the task from a previous run.
  • test_tasks: This specifies the array of tests that should be applied to a specific output. See WDL-based tests for information on defining and using test tasks on outputs.
"output_tests": {
  "<output_name>": {
    "value": "<output_value>",
    "test_tasks": []

Each test task will be passed the validated output as well as the output from the current test run of the task, and they will be compared as defined in the test task WDL.

Output values can use parameters defined in test_params.

Testing struct member outputs

Primitive structs members may be individually tested by referring to their path, e.g. struct.member. For example, for the following struct:

struct Sample {
  String sample_id
  File summary_file

For the case where the output of a task is Sample my_sample, the sample_id field can be tested as follows:

"output_tests": {
  "my_sample.sample_id": {
    "value": "NA12878",
    "test_tasks": [


Do not configure an engine that has access to protected health information, even if that data is not being used in tests. Ideally a workflow engine that is used only for testing and has access only to non-protected test input files should be used.

Engines configured in Workbench that test tasks will be submitted to. The engine ID can be found in the engine configuration on Workbench.

  • key: The engine ID, found from the engine configuration on Workbench
  • enabled: true to enable submitting tasks to the workflow; false otherwise
  • name: Optional human-readable name for the engine; used to distinguish configured engines

Multiple engines can be configured. Tests will be submitted to all enabled engines; if two engines are enabled, each test will run in each engine.


Test params can be used to avoid repeating paths and values for test inputs and outputs.

  • Parameters defined here can be used in inputs and outputs for task tests in the format ${param_name}; these will be replaced with the <param_value> for workflow submission
  • For parameters whose value is an object, object members can be accessed using .s: "reference_index": ${reference.fasta.data_index}
  • Global params will replace values for all engines
  • Engine params will replace values only when submitting to a particular engine; useful if for example input sets exist across multiple environments and are prefixed with different paths
  • Objects and arrays can be used for parameters; if you are using a complex parameter as an input or output value, this parameter must be the only content of the value, e.g. "my_input": "${complex_param}", not "my_input": "gs://my_bucket/${complex_param}"
  • The values of complex parameters can themselves use parameters, and will be substituted appropriately
"test_params": {
  "global_params": {
    "reference_name": "MN12345"
    "reference_fasta": {
      "data": "${base_path}/${reference_name}.fa",
      "data_index": "${base_path}/${reference_name}.fa.fai"
    "bwa_files": {
      "reference_fasta": "${reference_fasta}",
      "reference_ann": "${base_path}/${reference_name}.ann",
      "reference_pac": "${base_path}/${reference_name}.pac"
  "engine_params": {
    "engine_A": {
      "base_path": "/data"
    "engine_B": {
      "base_path": "/home/admin/pipeline_files"

WDL-based tests

Tests are defined in the src/wdlci/wdl_tests directory.

  • Tests are written in WDL
  • Test files must be named <test_name>.wdl
  • In the test WDL file, before the task declaration, add a short description of what the purpose of this test is and what input type is expected, e.g.:
version 1.0

# Compare strings
# Input type: String

task compare_string {
  input {
    String current_run_output
    String validated_output
  • Each test file should contain a single test task, named <test_name>
  • Tests must specify two inputs:
    • <input_type> current_run_output
    • <input_type> validated_output
  • The current_run_output and validated_output will be passed to the test task automatically; it is up to the test writer to implement the desired comparison

Tests can be selected and applied to task outputs by including the <test_name> as part of the test_tasks array in the output tests block. For example, to run the compare_string test, the test_tasks section for the output to be tested should be set to ["compare_string"].

Array comparison

If an output is of type Array[X], the test task will be automatically scattered over the outputs, and any tests will be run once for each item in the validated output array. Validated outputs must be present in the same order as the outputs from the task. Due to the scatter over elements of array-type outputs, both array-type and non-array-type outputs should use the same underlying tests which operate on items of type X.

It is not necessary to test every item in the current run output array, but keep in mind that if a subset of the outputs are to be tested, they must be the first items in the output array. All items in the validated output array will be compared to the items in the corresponding current run output array at the same array index.

Custom tests

Custom test WDLs may be defined in a directory located in the target repository. To allow wdl-ci access to custom tests, the WDL_CI_CUSTOM_TEST_WDL_DIR environment variable must be set (GitHub action: run with wdl-ci-custom-test-wdl-dir set).

Local installation

wdl-ci is meant to be run as part of a GitHub action, but can be installed locally for testing and linting.

The following environment variables must be defined when running wdl-ci:


Optionally, the WDL_CI_CUSTOM_TEST_WDL_DIR environment variable may used to specify an additional directory where WDL-based tests may be found.

Installing using pip

Requires: python3.9+

Installation: python3 -m pip install .

Run: wdl-ci

Running using Docker

A Docker image is available from DNAstack's dockerhub as dnastack/wdl-ci.

Run wdl-ci via the Docker container: docker run dnastack/wdl-ci:latest

Run wdl-ci via the Docker container (mounting the target repository, run from the root of the target repository): docker run -v ${PWD}:/usr/test dnastack/wdl-ci:latest

Commands and arguments to wdl-ci can be passed after the run command, e.g. docker run -v ${PWD}:/usr/test dnastack/wdl-ci:latest lint.

To pass required environment variables, they may be written to a newline-delimited file in the format WALLET_URL=value and passed to the docker run command using the --env-file <env_file> argument.

Run a wdl-ci command, using variables defined in wdl-ci.env: docker run --env-file wdl-ci.env -v ${PWD}:/usr/test dnastack/wdl-ci:latest submit


Generate a config file

Generates the configuration file that is required by other commands. See here for information about its structure. This command will recursively search through your present working directory for files ending in .wdl, and will initialize a configuration file with these workflows and their tasks filled out.

If a configuration file already exists, this will add workflows or tasks that do not already exist in the file. By default, only new workflows and/or tasks will be added to the config file; deleted workflows or tasks will not be removed. The --remove flag may be used to force removal of workflows and tasks that are no longer present at the specified paths.

wdl-ci generate-config [--remove]

Lint workflows

wdl-ci lint

Detect changed tasks

wdl-ci detect-changes

Submit test runs

This should be run following wdl-ci detect-changes to submit tests for tasks that have changes and that have tests defined.

wdl-ci submit

Monitor running tests

This should be run following wdl-ci submit to monitor the status of running tests. Workflow status is polled every 60 seconds until all workflows have completed.

wdl-ci monitor

Clean up custom workflows from the Workbench namespace

Note that this will remove all custom workflows from your namespace; use with caution.

wdl-ci cleanup


Linting with black

Install black, then run git config core.hooksPath hooks/.

black will be run on all python files as a pre-commit hook.


Tools to validate and test WDL-based repositories. To be used as part of CI/CD pipelines








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