Mr. TeaSeeks is a fullstack app that utilizes Javascript, React, Express, Node, HTML5, CSS3, and PostgreSQL to create a unique user experience. It allows users to input some basic criteria, and then be provided with teas that meet that criteria from our database. This can help users discover new and interesting teas with which to enrich their lives.
This Git is for the backend/API portion of the application. A link to the live app and the frontend portion of this app can be found below.
This API establishes a publicly accessible endpoint capable of receiving GET,POST, PATCH, and DELETE requests utilizing cloud platform application Heroku.
All requests to this api should be formatted in JSON and will require a valid security key.
Want access to this database of teas or to help expand our collection?
Go to and reach out to me at any time!
Welcome to the landing page for Mr. TeaSeeks!
This page is where users make some easy choices on what type of tea they are looking for.
A great new tea has been discovered! This page provides teas that match the users request.