Project has moved to
envconf is a small Kotlin MPP (currently JVM, JS) library, which helps you to use environment variables for your config
// this gets the env variable "HELLO"
val HELLO by environment
// this gets the env variable "HELLO_COUNT" and converts it into an int
val HELLO_COUNT by getEnv { it.toInt() }
// this does the same as the one above
val COUNT by getEnv("HELLO_") { it.toInt() }
// this does the same as the one above, but it uses 1 if the variable is missing
val COUNT by getEnv("HELLO_", 1) { it.toInt() }
// this does the same as the one above, but it uses null if the variable is missing
val COUNT by getEnv("HELLO_", String::toInt).optional()
class Konfig : Config("HELLO_") {
// this outsources the prefix to the constructor
val COUNT by getEnv("HELLO_", 1) { it.toInt() }
Gradle (Kotlin)
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation("dev.schlaubi", "envconf", "1.1")
Gradle (Groovy)
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
implementation 'dev.schlaubi:envconf:1.1'